
  1. 当然,这些都会运用到色彩构成的三要素既明度、纯度和色相来完成的。

    Of course , these will be finished by applying both of three elements : color composition , purity and effect of color .

  2. 由定义出发,归纳出外观设计的三个特征,即:外观的载体应该是产品;形状、图案、色彩是外观设计的三要素;是一种新的设计方案。

    By definition , sum up the design of the three characteristics , namely : the appearance of the carrier should be a product , shape , pattern and color are the three elements of design , is a new design .

  3. 本文发展了色彩学关于色彩三要素及其关系的基本理论,提出城市色彩的三个要素和五种关系。

    My paper developed the basic theory of the three factors of the color and its relations in chromatology , and advanced the three factors and five relations of the urban color .