
  • EGGER;【人名】Eig
  1. 2013年,迪士尼CEO罗伯特o艾格的公司商务机开销为332808美元。

    Disney CEO Robert Iger 's corporate jet use cost $ 332808 in 2013 .

  2. 我们在6月11日参观上海迪士尼乐园时,迪士尼首席执行官罗伯特·A·艾格(RobertA.Iger)提到了这种吸引力。

    Robert A. Iger , Disney 's chief executive , alluded to this fascination as we toured Shanghai Disneyland on June 11 .

  3. 周二首演的观众席上坐着迪士尼的几位官员,包括总裁兼首席执行官罗伯特·A·艾格(RobertA.Iger)。

    Sitting in the audience at the premiere on Tuesday was a contingent of Disney executives including the chairman and chief executive , Robert A. Iger .

  4. 当天,迪士尼举行第四财季的盈收电话会议,《华尔街日报》称,CEO鲍勃o艾格在本次会议上可能会对开园时间表给出新的指导意见。

    The WSJ said chief executive Bob Iger is likely to give new guidance about the timetable for opening the park during a conference call Tuesday to discuss the group 's fourth-quarter earnings .

  5. 而星巴克CEO霍华德o舒尔茨、维亚康姆CEO菲利普o多曼和迪士尼CEO鲍勃o艾格的工资均大幅下降,最多的甚至降了一半。

    But the salaries of Starbuck 's SBUX 0.56 % Howard Schultz , along with Viacom 's Philippe Dauman and Disney 's Bob Iger all took a dive , by up to a half .

  6. 艾格,启用卫星和所有可用的情报点。

    Edgar , pull up satellite and all possible intercept points .

  7. 这个装置作品将结合理察‧艾格能的音乐创作而完成。

    The installation is completed by a musical composition by Richard Eigner .

  8. 艾格:是这样,我和玛莎经营一家公共关系公司。

    Edgar : Well , Martha and I run a Public Relations corporation .

  9. 艾格说看到你来这里了。

    Edgar said he saw you come in here .

  10. 艾格表示迪斯尼拒绝支付赎金。

    Iger says Disney is refusing to pay .

  11. 显然艾格在纽约与美国广播公司高管会面期间对此作出了评论。

    Iger apparently made the comments during a meeting with ABC executives in New York .

  12. 艾格:变老了?玛莎,听听这女孩说的。变老了!

    Edgar : Getting old ? Listen to this girl , Martha . Getting old !

  13. 你住西在艾格啊。

    You live in West Egg .

  14. 正如艾格先生所示,在20世纪,因为战争产生了许多重大问题。

    As Mr agar shows , the great problem-posing processes of the 20th century were its wars .

  15. 艾格先生在书中对自然科学的存有一些偏见,但该书在某些领域的也有空白。

    Mr Agar 's book is somewhat biased towards the physical sciences and it has some odd gaps .

  16. 但总体来说,艾格先生在本书中做出了一系列充分且通透的分析,虽然抽象,但易于掌握。

    But overall , Mr Agar has abstracted and made manageable a range of rich and informed analysis .

  17. 北京东方艾格农业咨询公司分析师马文峰,对于以此种方式大量生产牛肉表示怀疑。

    Ma Wenfeng , an analyst at Beijing Orient Agribusiness Consultant , raised doubts over this approach for mass-producing beef .

  18. 艾格隆学院致力于引导与启发式的教育理念,是年轻人更能发挥他们的潜力。

    Aige Long College is committed to the concept of guidance and heuristic education , young people bring out their potential .

  19. 新南威尔士健康促进与研究中心的主任、盖里•艾格教授对这一观点表示同意。

    Vocabulary : And Professor Garry Egger , director of the New South Wales Centre for Health Promotion and Research , agreed .

  20. 但是艾格先生更倾向于阐述科学在控制问题上所起到的作用,即使这个作用并非显而易见。

    But Mr Agar 's history is more illuminating on the less obvious story of science 's role in problems of control .

  21. 其中,艾格、艾丽丝、三德利和德福对根和幼苗生长影响最大,表现出较强的化感作用。

    The results showed that the aqueous extracts of aerial part inhibited germination , root and seedling growth of radish and Italian ryegrass .

  22. 2014年,艾格的股票酬劳从上年的7200万美元降至4100万美元,下跌了21%。

    Iger received $ 41 million in stock compensation in 2014 but $ 72 million in 2013 , leading to a decrease of 21 % .

  23. 艾格威公司则通过引进奶牛场所需的设备,包括修蹄和犊牛护理设备器械等,继续积极地开展中国市场的业务。

    Agricorp stayed active in the China market to by introducing equipment used on the dairy farms including hoof trimming equipment and calf care equipment .

  24. 星期四,到20国集团首脑会议开会的艾格色中心周围示威的人数据说只有数百人。

    On Thursday , the demonstrators who turned up around the ExCel Center , where the G-20 leaders met , were reported in the hundreds .

  25. 在这两年中,艾格威公司的许多竞争对手关闭了他们在中国公司,以降低成本等待市场重新开放。

    During these two years many of the Agricorp competitors closed their doors in China to reduce costs while they waited for the market to reopen .

  26. 艾格口碑不错,且钟情于政治生涯,董事会在后艾格时代将有充足时间重新规划公司未来。

    And the board has ample time to plan for life after the esteemed Mr Iger , who is said to fancy a new career in politics .

  27. 通过在中国制造这些设备和培训中国养殖者怎样使用这些设备,艾格威公司维持并加强了与中国奶牛场的关系。

    By manufacturing this equipment in China and training the Chinese farms on how to use this equipment , Agricorp maintained a strong relationship with dairy farms in China .

  28. 艾格说,上海迪士尼乐园动工之前,迪士尼在中国听取了各种各样的声音,以便了解消费者到底想要什么。

    Before starting construction on Shanghai Disneyland , Iger said that Disney listened to a lot of diverse voices in China to find out what the consumers really wanted .

  29. 我妈妈婚前的名字叫安吉拉。什罕,她在利默里克一个贫民窟里长大,和她妈妈、两个兄弟托马斯和帕特里克以及一个妹妹艾格尼斯住在一起。

    My mother , the former Angela Sheehan , grew up in a Limerick slum with her mother , two brothers , Thomas and Patrick , and a sister , Agnes .

  30. 艾格表示,这一斥资55亿美元的乐园对迪士尼公司的变革意义,不亚于70年代在佛罗里达州建成的华特·迪士尼世界。

    Mr. Iger has said the company considers the $ 5.5 billion resort to be as transformative for the company as the establishment of Walt Disney World in Florida was in the 1970s .