
ài luò sōnɡ
  • Eloson
  1. 目的:观察外涂艾洛松乳膏加超声波技术治疗小腿慢性肥厚性湿疹的疗效。

    Objective : To investigate the efficacy of Eloson ointment combine with ultrasonic wave technology in treating chronic thickening eczema of leg .

  2. 结论:艾洛松乳膏治疗外耳湿疹效果明显,复发率低。

    Conclusion : The above results indicate that eloson cremor might have remarkable effect on external ear eczema with low recurrence rate .

  3. 方法,随机选择外耳湿疹96例(治疗组)采用艾洛松乳膏局部外用,每天一次,连用一周。

    Methods : ninety-six patients with external ear eczema were selected into treatment group randomly and treated with Eloson cremor , QD for a week ;