
ài rónɡ
  • moxa
艾绒 [ài róng]
  • [moxa] 中国、日本民间医药用于灸疗的艾制细丝

  1. 目的观察针刺加艾绒、TDP照射治疗中风后瘫侧肢体肿胀的临床效果。

    Objective To investigate the clinical efficacy of acupuncture plus moxa and TDP irradiation for the treatment of post-apoplectic paralytic limb swelling .

  2. 艾灸起源于中国古代,是利用由艾草制成的艾绒燃烧来治病养生的方法。

    Moxibustion originated in ancient China , is an approach to treatment and regimen through ignited moxa made of wormwood .

  3. 灸效不完全与施灸时间或燃烧的艾绒量成正比,施灸时间长于20min以生,痛阈值递增幅度逐渐降低。

    The analgesic effect from moxibustion was not in direct proportion with the time duration in moxibustion and quantity of moxa wool . If the time duration of moxibustion lasted more than 20 minutes , the increasing amplitude of pain thresholds can decrease gradually .

  4. 采用工具:双药艾条(苏卅市东方艾绒厂)。

    Tools selecting : two pieces of medicine moxa sticks ( DongFang moxa factory , Suzhou City ) .

  5. 结论:《艾灸通说》在艾叶的加工、艾绒的制作、艾炷的大小都有一定的技术标准。

    Conclusion Processing of argyi leaf , manufacture of mugwort floss and size of moxa cone have a certain technique standards in the book .

  6. 灸法是把烧着的艾绒按一定的穴位,靠近皮肤或放在皮肤上,利用热的刺激来治疗疾病。

    Moxibustion therapy requires the placement of burning crushed dry moxa near or on the skin at certain acupuncture points , treating the diseases by the irritation of heat .

  7. 艾条灸是将艾绒卷成艾条,一端点燃,在离开穴位皮肤一定距离进行熏灸。

    In this method , the ignited moxa stick is moved up and down over the point like a bird pecking or moving left and right , or circularly .