
  • 网络Addison;Joseph Addison;Edison;Thomas Edison
  1. 目的:分析并总结活动性结核所致艾迪生病(Addisondisease)的肾上腺CT表现。

    Purpose : To identify the CT findings of Addison disease caused by adrenal tuberculosis ( Tb ) .

  2. 肾上腺活动性结核引起艾迪生病时CT表现为肾上腺增大伴大片坏死,可有点状钙化。

    Conclustion : The CT manifestations of active adrenal Tb associated with Addison disease are adrenal glands enlargement with large necrotic areas , with or without calcification dots .

  3. 但正如18世纪散文家、诗人约瑟夫艾迪生(JosephAddison)所言:我们真正的福气往往是以痛苦、损失和失望的形式现身的。

    But as Joseph Addison , the 18th-century essayist and poet , said : Our real blessings often appear to us in the shape of pains , losses and disappointments .

  4. 增加色素沉着的皮肤是常见的艾迪生的疾病。

    Increased pigmentation of the skin is common in Addison 's disease .

  5. 艾迪生的想象理论及其意义

    Addison 's Theory of Imagination and Its Significance

  6. 进步这种东西,使大多数书籍成为废物。&艾迪生

    Progress is the thing that puts most books in the discard . & Thomas Edison

  7. 艾迪生以班扬为例证明最卑鄙的作家也有人崇拜。

    Addison cited Bunyan to prove that even the most despicable of writers had their admirers .

  8. 教育之于灵魂,犹雕刻之于大理石。&艾迪生

    What sculpture is to block of marble , education is to the soul . & Joseph Addison

  9. 艾迪生试图制造出第一根碳丝时,并不是很有把握的。

    When Edison tried to make the first carbon filament , he did not have the cards in his hands .

  10. 我公司定于5月8日迁到更方便的牛津市艾迪生大街8号新址办公,特此公告。

    We inform you that on May 8th , we removed to a more convenient office at 18 Addison Street , Oxford .

  11. 真正的幸福不显出露水,它摈弃浮华和喧嚣。英国作家艾迪生

    True happiness is of a retired nature , and an enemy to pomp and noise . & Joseph Addison , British writer

  12. 莎士比亚和艾迪生①有全身的纪念雕像;其他诗人大多只有半身雕像或肖像牌,有些只有碑文。

    Shakespeare and Addison have statues erected to their memories , but the greater part have busts , medallions , and sometimes mere inscriptions .

  13. 天生万物,人是最愉快、最快乐的物类,高于他的或低于他的都是严肃的。&艾迪生

    Man is the merriest , the most joyous of all the species of creation ; all above or below him are serious . & Addison

  14. 英国18世纪作家艾迪生谈到过亲身经历过的一件趣事,可见当时这个迷信相当流行。

    The English writer Joseph Addison , who wrote early in the 18th century , tells us a story about the superstition in his time :