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jié zhì
  • control;be moderate in;temperance;continence;check;refrain;command;administer
节制 [jié zhì]
  • (1) [check;control;be moderate in]∶限制;控制

  • 发现难以节制她的胃口

  • (2) [administer]∶指挥管辖

  • 节制三军

  • 皆属荣所节制。-- 清. 梁启超《谭嗣同传》

节制[jié zhì]
  1. 短直肠贮袋和低位结肠-直肠吻合Duhamel手术可获得更好的排便节制能力和正常的排便模式

    Short-pouch and low-anastomosis Duhamel procedure results in better fecal control and normal defecation pattern

  2. 跟着科学手艺地开展,PLC和变频器等手艺在电梯地节制方面获得了普遍地应用,人们对电梯地请求也越来越高。

    With the development of science and technology , PLC and inverter and other technology in the elevator control a wide range of applications , people on the elevator demands more and more is also high .

  3. 由于实在闲极无聊,我开始无节制地大吃起来。

    I started to eat too much out of sheer boredom .

  4. 她说她厌倦了自己无节制的生活。

    She said she was sick of her life of excess .

  5. 这个乐队的第三张专辑似乎表现更为节制、基调更为清晰。

    The band 's third album seems more disciplined and focussed

  6. 除了节制饮食,他还设计了魔鬼健身计划。

    Besides diets , he devised punishing exercise routines .

  7. 她一直过着自我节制的圣徒式生活。

    She has been saintly in her self-restraint .

  8. 享乐主义时代正让位于一个注重节制的时代。

    The age of hedonism is being ushered out by a new era of temperance .

  9. 妈妈为了我们在生活上一贯节制。

    My mother denied herself for us .

  10. 曾被填鸭式地灌输了消费主义思想的孩子们发现无节制的时代已经结束了。

    The children who were spoon-fed consumerism have discovered that the years of excess are over .

  11. 这三个团全归你节制。

    The three regiments are all under the command of you .

  12. 在孩子面前,你说话应该有节制。

    You should moderate your language when children are present .

  13. 你花钱要有节制。

    You must put a cheque on your spending .

  14. 这三个师由你节制。

    The three divisions are under your command .

  15. 他是一个有节制的烟民。

    He is a moderate smoker .

  16. 美国人非常关心无节制上涨的医疗费用和医保费用。

    Americans are deeply concerned about the relentless rise in health care costs and health insurance premiums .

  17. 其他黄金法则建议我们掌控自己,避免毫无节制,不要做一个发迹的傻瓜。

    Other golden rules counsel us to master ourselves , to avoid excess and not to be a prosperous fool .

  18. “相反,”研究人员继续说道,“很多没有假定人们会做出理性选择的规章条例已成功地应用于酒精管控:和食品一样,酒精是一种无节制摄取会导致严重健康问题的物质。”

    " In contrast , " the researchers continue , " many regulations that don 't assume people make rational choices have been successfully applied to control alcohol , a substance — like food — of which immoderate consumption leads to serious health problems . ' '

  19. 治疗期间,宜节制房事。

    During treatment , sexual activity should be abstinent .

  20. 他节制睡眠

    He stints himself in [ of ] sleep .

  21. 无节制者事难成。

    He that forsakes measure , measure forsakes him .

  22. 他在饮食方面是很有节制的。

    He is abstemious in eating and drinking .

  23. 健康与纵欲〔无节制〕不能相容

    Health does not consist with intemperance .

  24. 笑声每时每刻都变得越来越容易,毫无节制地倾泻出来,只要一句笑话就会引起哄然大笑

    Laughter is easier minute by minute , spilled with prodigality , tipped out at a cheerful word .

  25. Leslie建议缓和节制,又叫二八定律。

    Leslie suggests moderation , also known as the 80 / 20 rule .

  26. 我们知道它们是如何产生的:德国以不具竞争力的汇率加入欧元区,并长期实行工资节制(wagemoderation)政策。

    We know how they happened : Germany entered the eurozone at an uncompetitive exchange rate and embarked on a long period of wage moderation .

  27. 越来越多的非良性网络使用,如链路盗用、非法IP电话、无节制的P2P应用、宽带私自接入等,已经严重影响到网络的正常运作。

    More and more non-benign networks using , such as the link theft , illegal VoIP , unbridled P2P applications and privately network access , have seriously affected the normal operation of the network .

  28. 在日本最近选举的准备阶段,后来胜选的首相候选人鸠山由纪夫(YukioHatoyama)便对“无节制的市场原教旨主义”开了炮。

    In the run-up to Japan 's recent election , Yukio Hatoyama , the victorious candidate for prime minister , campaigned against " unrestrained market fundamentalism " .

  29. 十年前,在线音乐服务Napster和席卷全球、毫无节制地非法音乐共享吓坏了音乐产业,Rhapsody趁势确立了其市场地位,成为首家重要的付费音乐服务。

    Rhapsody established itself as the first important paid music service a decade ago , after Napster and a worldwide binge of illegal file sharing spooked the music industry .

  30. 尤其是自20世纪90年代以来,一系列国际投资仲裁实践逐渐打破了ICSID公约确立的有节制的国际投资仲裁体制,呈现出多元化发展趋势。

    Especially since 1990s , a series of international investment arbitration practice has gradually brake the moderate international investment arbitration system of ICSID treaty , showing a trend of diversification .