
  • 网络rhythm instrument
  1. 鼓与低音提琴通常组成爵士乐队的节奏乐器组。

    The drums and double bass usually form the rhythm section of a jazz group .

  2. 2应配有足量的和声节奏乐器;

    Music instruments sizable enough for harmonic and rhythmic parts ;

  3. 论节奏乐器在周朝祭祀活动中的作用

    About Percussion Instrument in the Zhou-dynasty Sacrifice

  4. 节奏乐器是中国传统民族器乐中最为主要的一个部分,它有着上千年的悠久历史,在中国民间文化和宗教祭祀活动中都发挥着十分重要的作用。

    Percussion instruments is important traditional part in Chinese nation instruments and have a long-playing time history , especially have important action in the Chinese folk culture and religion fete .

  5. 实际上这位先生就像是乐队的指挥,负责控制音乐的节奏和各种乐器的配合。

    Actually , this gentlemen is like a conductor of an orchestra , so he is in charge of the rhythm , of the music , of the combination of the music .

  6. 这首歌最初是为钢琴手和爵士乐队写的,包括笛,贝斯,节奏和一系列乐器。

    The song was first written for a piano player and jazz band , including reed , bass , rhythm and string instruments .

  7. 节奏是音乐最基本的元素,在生活中无处不在,而打击乐是表达节奏最直接的乐器。

    The rhythm is the music most basic element , in life ubiquitous , but attacks happily expresses the rhythm most direct musical instrument .