
  • 网络Energy saving product certification;energy-efficient products certification
  1. 本文对我国节能产品认证制度的实施情况做了简单介绍。

    This paper briefly reviews the implementation of certification system of energy conservation products in our country .

  2. 节能产品认证技术规范和能效标准已成为我国节能环保各项工作的重要依据。

    Energy-saving product certification technical specification and energy efficient standard have become the important basis for energy-saving and environmental protection work .

  3. 二是节能产品认证较好地促进了节能技术进步,规范行业竞争,消费者和生产企业逐步认可了节能产品认证工作;

    Secondly , it can be better to promote energy conservation technology progress and competition regulation with certification of energy conservation products , and it gradually gets both consumers and companies to recognize and accept the works of energy conservation product certification ;