
  1. 《芈月传》的制片人曹平表示,他们已经采取法律手段来维护自己的利益。

    TV producer Cao Ping says they have taken legal action to safeguard their interests .

  2. 据相关报道称,该声明发布之际,《芈月传》全集资源已经被泄露在网上。

    The statement comes as reports suggest that full episodes of the drama have been leaked online .

  3. 据李斌介绍,《芈月传》的演员们在拍摄前接受了中国古代礼仪的特殊培训。

    According to Li , the cast of The Legend of Miyue received special training on ancient Chinese etiquette before shooting .

  4. 在中国电视剧集中,由郑晓龙导演执导的古装历史大戏《芈月传》摘得中国最佳电视剧奖的桂冠。

    In the Chinese TV series category , historical epic " Legend of Miyue " by Zheng Xiaolong took the best TV series award .

  5. 2016年,孙俪主演同题材电视剧《芈月传》,共计81集,每集片酬50万元。

    In 2016 she starred in The Legend of Mi Yue , a similarly lengthy series of 81 episodes , and received 500000 yuan per episode .

  6. 古装剧《芈月传》的出品公司近日发布了一则声明,呼吁广大观众停止传播该电视剧的非法下载途径。

    The production company of hit TV drama " Legend of Miyue " has issued a statement calling for people to stop spreading illegal downloads of the program .

  7. 《芈月传》是基于一个流行的网络小说翻拍的,它讲述了芈月交织着政治、战争和浪漫爱情的一生。

    The Legend of Miyue is based on a popular online novel which tells the story of Mi Yue and her life entwined with politics , war , and romance .

  8. 演员孙俪则凭借自己在《芈月传》中令人印象深刻的演绎芈月--中国历史上第一位真正的太后--而斩获本届最佳女演员奖。

    Sun Li won the best actress award for her impressive performance of Miyue - the first empress dowager in Chinese history - in " The Legend of Miyue . "

  9. 回首2015年,大部分广受欢迎的电视节目都是根据网络小说改编,从《花千骨》到《芈月传》,根据网络小说改编的影视不仅卖座,还成就了很多年轻的演员。

    Looking back at the year 2015 , the majority of popular TV shows were adaptations of online novels . From The Journey of Flower to The Legend of Mi Yue , shows based on online literature IPs did not just become top-grossing productions , but also have helped lauch the careers of a number of young actors and actresses .