
zhī mɑ bǐnɡ
  • Sesame cake;sesame biscuit
  1. 金属离子和pH值对芝麻饼分离蛋白功能性的影响

    Impact of Metal Ion and pH Value on the Functionality of Sesame Cake Protein Isolate

  2. 发酵芝麻饼粕的抗氧化功能及特征成分研究

    Studied on Antioxidant Function and Characteristic Ingredient of Sesame Cake Fermentation

  3. 芝麻饼粕中活性物质对食品腐败菌的抑菌研究

    Antimicrobial activities of the sesame cake extracts against food spoilage organism

  4. 一块超大的肉饼被夹在九寸半的芝麻饼中。

    An oversized Whopper patty was sandwiched between a nine-and-a-half inch sesame bun .

  5. 肉用仔鸡日粮中芝麻饼适宜用量研究

    A Study on the Suitable Additive Quantity of Sesame Meal in the Broiler Ration

  6. 从芝麻饼中提取木酚素工艺的响应面优化研究

    Study on the optimization of extracting lignan from sesame cake by response surface analysis

  7. 本研究以农副产品下脚料麦麸、脱油类棉籽饼、花生饼和芝麻饼为研究对象,以污水处理厂活性污泥和堆肥为微生物来源,通过厌氧发酵制备生物氢气。

    Biological hydrogen was generated with anaerobic batch culture from agricultural solid wastes by anaerobic composts and digested sludge .

  8. 京式月饼起源于北京,与芝麻饼类似,皮脆而味美。

    Ping style mooncakes originated in Peking and resemble sesame cakes , with a crisp and savory outer crust .

  9. 采用响应面法对酱油曲霉固体发酵芝麻饼粕提高抗氧化能力的条件进行优化。

    Response surface methodology was used to optimize fermentation condition to improve antioxidant activity in solidstate sesame cake by Aspergillus sojae .

  10. 以料液比、浸提时间、温度、提取次数为考察因素,采用单因素试验及正交试验对芝麻饼粕中木脂素进行了提取条件优化的试验。

    Solid-liquid ratio , extraction time , temperature , times were selected as four factors to design the orthogonal test , and the optimum condition of extraction was obtained .

  11. 考察了菌种来源、培养时间和发酵反应温度对芝麻饼产氢能力的影响以及生物氢发酵过程中液相组成的变化。

    Different microbial source , effects of incubation time and anaerobic fermentation reaction temperature on hydrogen production , as well as the composition of fermentation terminal product in liquid phase , were investigated .

  12. 在28℃条件下,适宜的发酵时间为芝麻饼30~40天,大豆饼和花生饼50~60天,菜籽饼60~70天。

    At 28 , the suitable fermentation time of sesame seed cake was 30 ? 0d , the soybean 50 ~ 60d , the peanut 50 ~ 60d , and the rapeseed cake 60 ~ 70d .

  13. 我已经把几片芝麻脆饼放进烤箱里烤了。

    I 've put some sesame crackers in the oven to bake .

  14. 我们的土产系列包括椰子饼,花生糖,加哩粉,黑咖啡,天然香蕉干,芒果干,春卷,芝麻鱼饼,虾饼,辣椒酱,饼干等。

    Our products include : coconut cookies , biscuit , peanut candies , curry powder , kopi-O , dried banana , dried mango , spring rolls , sesame fish cracker , twister prawn cracker , chili sauce and many more .

  15. 比如芝麻脆饼、意大利香肠棒、苹果酱、海藻、魔法布朗尼、一勺糖、一罐番茄汤、一把梅干、一小盒葡萄干和老人薄荷糖。

    such as sesame snaps , pepperoni sticks , apple sauce , seaweed , magic brownies , a spoonful of sugar , a can of tomato soup , a handful of prunes , a little box of raisins and old man mints .

  16. 安康的美食芝麻烧饼、羊肉饼、蒸面等等这半年是吃不上了。

    I will lost my favour foods for half year , sach as the sesame cracker , mutton cake , steam noodle * etc.

  17. 我国是芝麻生产大国,仅芝麻饼粕的年产量就在50万吨以上,资源十分丰富。

    China is a large producing country of sesame , and its yield of sesame cake meals is more than 500,000 tons , so the resources are very abundant .

  18. 研究了以特制糕点粉、白糖、鲜蛋、椰蓉、芝麻为主要原料生产纯蛋、椰蓉、芝麻蛋黄饼三种休闲型食品的生产工艺、操作技术和产品质量标准。

    This paper studied the processing technology , operating rules and product standard of egg biscuit or coconut biscuit or sesame egg-yolk biscuit wade of special wheat flour , sugar , egg , coconut - sesame etc.

  19. 以芝麻木脂素中主要成分Sesamin为对照,采用分光光度法对芝麻饼粕中芝麻木脂素类成分进行定量分析;

    Taking sesamin as standard sample , by spectrometric method , the extraction technique of lignans from sesame cake was studied .