
jī jī cǎo
  • Achnatherum splendens;splendid achnatherum
芨芨草 [jī jī cǎo]
  • [splendid achnatherum] 多年生草本植物,叶细长,开淡绿色的花,多生长在碱性土壤的草滩上。工业上用来造纸,也可做饲料、用来编织筐、席等

芨芨草[jī jī cǎo]
  1. 4%尿素处理芨芨草后,芨芨草DM中CP含量极显著(p0.01)提高(145.81%),NDF含量略有降低(2.5%),差异不显著(p0.05)。

    The CP content of achnatherum splendens , based in DM , treated with 4 percent of urea was greatly increased ( p0.01 ) by 145.81 % , but NDF content only decreased a little ( p0.05 ) .

  2. 青海湖地区芨芨草群落特征及其物种多样性研究

    Study on Achnatherum splendens community characteristics and species diversity around Qinghai Lake

  3. 我们在野外采样时,将新鲜材料压制成干标本,成功地应用于芨芨草居群的RAPD分析。

    The sample dried by pressure was succeed in applying Achnatherum splendens populations for RAPD analysis .

  4. 4%尿素可极显著地(p<0.01)提高芨芨草DM、OM、NDF有效降解率,分别提高46.61%、50.87%、18.80%;

    The effective degradability of DM , OM and NDF in urea treatment was also greatly increased ( p < 0.01 ) by 46.61 % , 50.87 % and 18.80 % respectively .

  5. 通过磁珠富集文库法成功开发了12对醉马草SSR引物,且证明其中90%的引物可以成功应用于芨芨草属其它禾草的遗传多样性研究。

    Twelve microsatellite markers were developed for A. inebrians using the magic-beads , we documented that 90 % of that 12 primers could be used in study of genetics diversity of other species of Achnatherum . 6 .

  6. 土壤碱化度对高羊茅和芨芨草菌根发育的影响

    Effects of Percentage of Exchangeable Sodium in Soil on Mycorrhizal Development of

  7. 芨芨草群落垂直结构分异较为明显;

    The vertical structure of Achnatherum splendens community is apparent .

  8. 青海湖地区芨芨草草地土壤种子库的初步研究

    Soil seed banks of Achnatherum splendens steppes in the Qinghai Lake area

  9. 摘要芨芨草是盐碱化土地改良中的先锋草种。

    A.splendens is a pioneer plant in saline-alkali soil ameliortion .

  10. 芨芨草草地土壤含水量季节变化和垂直变化较为显著。

    The seasonal and vertical variation of soil water content was significant .

  11. 黄土高原芨芨草生理生态特性研究

    Ecophysiological Characteristics of Achnatherum Splendens in the Loess Plateau

  12. 氢氧化钙尿素复合处理芨芨草的效果研究

    Effect of Calcium Hydroxide and Urea Treatment on Nutritive Value of Achnatherum Splendens

  13. 青海湖地区芨芨草群落主要种群分布格局研究

    Distribution Patterns of Major Populations in Achnatherum splendens Communities of Qinghai Lake Area

  14. 芨芨草水土保持功能的初步研究

    Study of Achnatherum splendens Grass on the Function of Soil and Water Conservation

  15. 禁牧对安西荒漠化草原芨芨草光合生理生态特征的影响

    Effect of Enclosure on Photo-physiological Characteristics of Achnatherum splendens in Deserted Grassland of Anxi

  16. 刈割对芨芨草生长的影响

    The influence of cutting on Achnatherum splendens growth

  17. 围栏封育对青海湖地区芨芨草草原群落特征的影响

    Influences of Enclosure on Achnatherum splendens Steppes Community Characteristics in the Qinghai Lake Area

  18. 芨芨草种子发芽检验方法的研究

    Germination Testing Methods on Achnatherum splendens seeds

  19. 此外,初步提出了盐碱地芨芨草灌溉制度以供生产实际参考。

    Furthermore , a preliminary system of irrigation on A. splendens in saline-alkali land was suggested .

  20. 中国芨芨草属叶表皮特征及其分类意义

    Studies on the leaf epidermal characters and its taxonomic significance of the genus Achnatherum in China

  21. 黄土高原芨芨草土壤水分特征及水分利用效率研究

    Study on Soil Moisture Characteristics and Water Use Efficiency of Achnatherum splendens Grassland in Loess Plateau

  22. 青海湖地区围栏封育芨芨草种子形态及其萌发特性

    Germination characteristics of achnatherum splendens seeds and its response to enclosure in the Qinghai Lake area

  23. 我国西北地区芨芨草-苦豆子群落根系分布与种间关系

    Distribution pattern of root biomass and inter-specific relationship in Achnatherum splendens-sophora alopecuroides community in Northwest China

  24. 施肥对芨芨草叶片含水量影响不大,但造成水分饱和亏增加。

    Fertilizer influenced trivially on leaf water content , while intensified markedly on the water saturation deficit .

  25. 芨芨草的生物量在整个生育期呈单峰曲线,植株组织含水量随生长时间的延长逐渐下降。

    The biomass was single - humped curve . Water ratio in plant decreased gradually from the beginning .

  26. 芨芨草群体水分利用效率以6月份为最高,而单叶水分利用效率7月份最高,具有较强的抗旱性。

    Community water use efficiency is highest in June , while simple leaf water use efficiency in July .

  27. 对安西温性荒漠化草原退牧还草围栏建设工程区芨芨草光合生理生态特征进行了监测分析。

    The photo-physiological characteristics of Achnatherum splendens both in the enclosure and the grazing pasture were monitored in Anxi .

  28. 盐碱地环境下芨芨草土壤微生物群落的初步分析

    The Preliminary analysis of soil microbial community of planting Achnatherum splendens ( Trin ) Nevski under saline and alkali land environment

  29. 普氏原羚选择芨芨草草原以及其它食物丰富度高、隐蔽条件好和人类干扰少的生境作为采食区;

    It preferred to forage in the place with foods of high quantity , of less human disturbance and good cover conditions .

  30. 围栏内外芨芨草群落的相似性系数达0.743。

    Similarity indexes between Achnatherum splendens communities within and out of fence reaches 0.743.Dominant status of Achnatherum splendens is enhanced in the outside fence community .
