
  • 网络Aalto University;Aalto;Finnish Aalto University
  1. 在芬兰阿尔托大学理工学院(AaltoUniversitySchoolofScience)同事们的合作下,邓巴教授研究了2007年欧洲的手机通话数据集,这其中包含了3500万用户进行的总计60亿次通话。

    Along with colleagues at Finland 's Aalto University School of Science , Prof Dunbar looked at a 2007 data set of European mobile phone calls , comprising 35m users making a total of 6bn calls .

  2. 我曾在芬兰阿尔托大学的设计工厂待过很长时间

    I 've spent a lot of time in Finland at the design factory of Aalto University ,

  3. 自2000年,芬兰阿尔托大学的研究人员就开始收集光的声音,把这当作极光升学计划的一部分。

    Since 2000 researchers at Finland 's Aalto University have been collecting audio as part of what 's called the Auroral Acoustics project .

  4. 根据来自芬兰阿尔托大学和英国牛津大学科学家的最新研究成果显示,20来岁后不久,你的社交圈会开始缩小。

    Soon after your mid-20s , your social circle shrinks , according to a recent study by scientists from Aalto University in Finland and the University of Oxford in England .

  5. 我曾在芬兰阿尔托大学的设计工厂待过很长时间,那儿有共享的商店和私人实验室,共享安静的环境,电子设备环境,休闲场地。

    I 've spent a lot of time in Finland at the design factory of Aalto University , where the they have a shared shop and shared Fablab , shared quiet spaces , electronics spaces , recreation places .

  6. 尽管这并不能精确衡量友谊,却也的确表明,在人生这一阶段我们的社交圈是最庞大的,芬兰阿尔托大学和英国牛津大学的研究者如是说。

    While this isn 't a precise measurement of friendships , it does suggest that this is the stage in life when our social circles are at their largest , say researchers from the Aalto University School of Science in Finland and the University of Oxford in the UK .