
  • Huayuan Road;【建】parkway
  1. 花园路,花语公寓缤纷绽放,生活如我想象,看我72变

    Garden Road , Whisper apartment Trend blooming life , as I imagine , I can change * 72

  2. 接着,左转到大树路。然后,右转到花园路。

    Next , turn left and walk along Tree Road . Then turn right and walk along Sea Avenue .

  3. 当地人:你让司机在花园路叫你下车,下去走不多远就到了。

    Ask the driver to let you off at Garden Road . The park is only a short walk from there .

  4. 精灵找到了一条通向上帝花园的路。

    Fairy find a way to God 's garden .

  5. 一堵高墙挡住了去花园的路。在他们面前,一条宽而急的河流,挡住他们的去路。

    A high wall bars the way into his garden . Before them a wide and rapid current coursed athwart their way .

  6. 我在大门前碰到一个佣工,他曾看见她跳过花园和路之间的矮墙,骑着马朝山丘和呼啸山庄的方向去了。

    At the gate I found a workman , who had seen-her jump the low wall separating the garden from the road , and then ride on towards the hills and Wuthering Heights .

  7. 我们穿过一个大门走进去,小跑着经过一条平坦的通向房子和花园的林间路,尽头是一排马厩。

    We went into the Park through a large gate , then trotted along a smooth road between some trees to the house and gardens.Beyond this were the stables .

  8. 事实上,可以看见从花园中曲林荫路的那头,有几个人正朝房子走过来。

    In fact , adown the vista of the garden avenue , a number of persons were seen approaching towards the house .