
huā bǎn
  • Flower board;card
花板[huā bǎn]
  1. 电子花板嵌入式控制系统设计

    Design of embedded control system of electronic jacquard card

  2. 均匀化方法在大型袋式除尘器花板结构计算中的应用

    Application of homogenization method to FEM structural analysis of bag filter tubesheet

  3. 袋式除尘器花板等效力学性质分析

    Study on effective mechanical properties of tubesheet of bag filter

  4. 金漆戏剧人物花板。

    Gold lacquer play character top board of a coffin .

  5. 喷丝头组合花板的真空熔炼

    Vacuum Melting of Composition Graining Board with Spinning Nozzle

  6. 一些有边框的则被称为“镂空花板”。

    Some have borders , is called " hollow out flower board " .

  7. 良好的:地面、面、花板和设备表面都是清洁的。

    Good : Floor , walls , ceilings , and equipment are visibly clean .

  8. 花板等效模量随着圆孔半径的增大而快速减小;

    The effective modulus of bag filter tubesheet decreases rapidly when the hole radius increases ;

  9. 冬天花板上有只蜘蛛。

    A spider was on the ceiling .

  10. 添加剂对石膏创花板性能的影响

    Effect of Additives on Gypsum Particleboard Properties

  11. 花板和隔板的装置与一座巴洛克风格老教堂的侧堂非常相似。

    because of its timbered barrel-vaulted ceiling and shelving that resembles side chapels of an old baroque church .

  12. 地面、面、花板和设备均使用合适的材料建造且采用卫生的设计方案。

    Floor , walls , ceiling , and equipment constructed of appropriate materials and designed with sanitation in mind .

  13. 夭花板饰有淡淡的图案花纹,装在天花板上的灯球射出明亮柔和的光线,照耀着陈列在这博物馆中的奇珍异宝。

    A luminous ceiling , decorated with delicate arabesques , distributed a soft , clear daylight over all the wonders gathered in this museum .

  14. 在圆孔半径相同情况下,随着圆孔中心距的增大,花板等效弹性模量逐渐增大,但等效泊松比逐渐减小;

    Under a constant radius , with increasing the hole center distance , the effective modulus increases but the effective Poisson ′ s ratio decreases ;

  15. 把帽子一戴,把皮包一挟,瞧着大花板点点头,挺着肚子走了出去。

    He put on his hat , tucked his briefcase under his arm , nodded towards the ceiling , stuck his belly out and walked out .

  16. 他回到酒吧,熟练地把枪抛到空中,连看都不看就在头顶把枪接住,朝天花板开了一枪。

    He went back into the bar , handily flipped his gun into the air , caught it above his head without even looking and fired a shot into the ceiling .

  17. 结果表明:(1)在圆孔半径相同情况下,厚度变化对花板等效模量和等效泊松比的影响很小;

    The following conclusions are obtained : ( 1 ) With uniform radius , the effective modulus and effective Poisson 's ratio of bag filter tubesheet change little when the tubesheet thickness increases ;

  18. 我们的蛇形玻璃管中的光学,照在这些天然的凹凸不平的拱形建筑物上面,照在像水晶烛台一般安排着的、火星点缀起来的下垂花板上,时时。

    The light from our glass coils produced magical effects at times , lingering on the wrinkled roughness of some natural arch , or some overhang suspended like a chandelier , which our lamps flecked with fiery sparks .

  19. 计算机化锈花穿孔机印制板打孔最短路径的遗传算法实现

    Computerized embroidery punching machine A Genetic Algorithm of Path Optimization for PCB Drilling

  20. 花本、纹板与计算机存储程控原理

    Card Source and the Principle of Jacquard Card and Computer Storage and Program Control

  21. 主要经营:电梯轿厢及扶梯的配套装饰工程,各类电梯门、花、刻不锈钢板的生产及销售。

    Main management : elevator sedan theater box and staircase with a handrail necessary decoration project , each kond of elevator door , smallpox , etching stainless steel plate production and sale .