
huā yònɡ
  • spend;expend
  • expense;cost
花用 [huā yòng]
  • [spend] 花销;花费

  • 本月花用不大

  1. 不论您今年怎么花用您的压岁钱,只要您先确实考虑过了就好。

    However you spend your money this year , just make sure you give it some thought first .

  2. v.足够一个月一百元足够那老妇人花用。……

    suffice One hundred dollars a month will suffice for the old lady 's need .......

  3. 这次旅行只有少量的钱可供花用。

    There is only a little money available for the trip .

  4. 三个月前领出来尚未花用。

    Taken out three months ago and not used since .

  5. 他衣著体面,然而他很少有一块钱可供花用。

    He dresses decently , yet he seldom has a guinea at command .

  6. 是一种像金钱一样可以节省、花用或浪费的东西吗?

    Is it a thing to be saved or spent or wasted , like money ?

  7. 【植】散沫花,指甲花用散沫花染料染头发。

    Apply henna to one 's hair .

  8. 济恩深切悔恨自己花尽了财产,而且都是不正当的花用。

    Zeyn repented sorely that his wealth was spent , and to no good purpose .

  9. 他们这么做是希望青少年能花用他们刚获得的财富。

    They do this in the hope that teenagers will part with their new-found riches .

  10. 在实际的情况下,若没有工作,除了吃饭睡觉之外,我们要如何花用我们每天所拥有的24小时?

    Realistically , if it were not for work , how would we consume the24 hours we have each day that we do not spend eating and sleeping ?

  11. 新郎要给予新娘嫁妆,供新娘本身花用,且新娘可以保留自己的姓,而不必改随夫姓。

    A marriage dowry is given by the groom to the Bride for her own personal use , and she keeps her own family name rather than taking her husband 's.

  12. 目的研究红花主要农艺性状间及与单株花产量和红花黄色素A间相关关系,为花用红花育种和高产栽培提供理论依据和参考。

    Objective To study the relationship between the main agronomic characters with the flower yield per plant and the safflor yellow A content of safflower species , and provide a basis for breeding and high-yield cultivation of safflower .

  13. 该行业(加上依赖该行业的群体)不仅一直在花用已经不再存在的钱,而且一直在派发原本只是存在于假想中的钱。

    Not only has the industry and by extension societies that depend on it been spending money that is no longer there , it has been giving away money that it only imagined it had in the first place .