
  1. 苏宁易购已经在北京、上海、广州、深圳、南京和成都招募了一批“洋快递员”。

    Suning Tesco has recruited a group of foreign couriers in Beijing , Shanghai , Guangzhou , Shenzhen , Nanjing and Chengdu .

  2. 会议主办者、台北金融研究发展基金会(TaipeiFoundationofFinance)的一位发言人表示,苏宁并没有提供突然改期的原因。

    Mr Su did not give a reason for the abrupt rescheduling , a spokesman for the organiser , the Taipei Foundation of Finance said .

  3. 本章程仅适用于苏宁银河国际购物广场VIP持卡贵宾。

    This general regulation only applies to Suny Galaxy International Shopping Plaza 's VIP card holders .

  4. 阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和苏宁(Suning)计划上演一场购物狂欢,它们收购的对象是对方的股票。

    Alibaba and Suning are planning a shopping spree - of each other 's shares .

  5. 但他未对有关国美寻求收购竞争对手苏宁电器(suningappliance)或大中电器(dazhongelectricappliance)的新闻报道做出回应。

    But he would not be drawn on news reports that Gome was looking to buy rival Suning Appliance or Beijing-based Dazhong Electric appliance .

  6. 与更为成功的同业苏宁(suning)相比,国美的市盈率低了很多。

    And Gome trades at a big discount to its more successful peer Suning .

  7. 国美的扩张包括在去年7月以6.3亿美元收购中国第三大电器零售商中国永乐电器(ChinaParadiseElectronics),此举巩固了国美相对于竞争对手苏宁电器(SuningAppliance)的领先地位。

    The expansion included the $ 630m takeover last July of China Paradise Electronics , the country 's number three electronics retailer which helped cement Gome 's lead over rival Suning Appliance .

  8. 国美的市值,如今还不及在上海上市的第二大家电零售商苏宁电器(Suning)的三分之一。

    Its market capitalisation is less than a third of Shanghai-listed Suning , number two in appliances .

  9. 2015年8月,阿里巴巴斥资46亿美元收购电器零售商苏宁(Suning)20%的股份。

    In August 2015 , Alibaba bought a 20 per cent share of Suning for $ 4.6bn .

  10. 上周有报道称,中信证券已同意向美国普信(t.roweprice)和中国电器零售商苏宁电器(suningappliance)分别出售11%和10%的股权。

    Reports last week suggested CITIC had agreed to sell an 11 per cent stake to t Rowe price of the US and a 10 per cent holding to Suning Appliance , a Chinese electrical retailer .

  11. 上个月,AC米兰的同城对手国际米兰(Internazionale)被中国电商巨头苏宁(Suning)收购,英国俱乐部阿斯顿维拉(AstonVilla)也被中国科技商人夏建统买下。

    Last month , AC Milan 's city rival Internazionale was sold to Chinese electronics retail giant Suning , while British club Aston Villa was bought by Chinese technology businessman Tony Xia .

  12. 2013年,苏宁收购了中国视频网站PPTV。

    In 2013 , Suning acquired a stake in Chinese online video site PPTV .

  13. 官方报纸昨日援引中国人民银行(PBOC)副行长苏宁的话报道称,最早的复苏迹象在2008年底已开始出现,中国有望成为率先复苏的大型经济体。

    Official newspapers yesterday quoted Su Ning , deputy governor of the People 's Bank of China , as declaring that the first signs of recovery had become visible at the end of last year and that China could be the first big economy to recover .

  14. 在巴西球员阿莱士·特谢拉(AlexTeixeira)转会利物浦告吹,并在几天后就以5500万美元身价加盟中国足球超级联赛俱乐部江苏苏宁之后,前利物浦后卫马克·劳伦森(MarkLawrenson)在利物浦的一家报纸上说,特谢拉的“职业志向堪比蚊蚋”。

    After Alex Teixeira 's move to Liverpool fell through , and the Brazilian was sold days later for $ 55 million to the Chinese Super League club Jiangsu Suning , the former Liverpool defender Mark Lawrenson said in a Liverpool newspaper that Teixeira " must have the professional ambition of a gnat . "

  15. 中国大陆经济增长放缓使苏宁受到沉重打击。

    Suning has been hit hard by the mainland economic slowdown .

  16. 商业生态系统不同缝隙型企业三维度的战略差别&基于苏宁商业生态系统的聚类研究

    The Strategy Differences of Three Dimensions of Niche Enterprises in Business Ecosystem

  17. 苏宁进入家电市场的博弈启示

    The enlightenment of Suning 's entering the household appliances market

  18. 苏宁易购等其他主要平台也创造了新的销售记录。

    Other major platforms such as Suning.com also set new sales records .

  19. 该合作也让阿里巴巴成为了苏宁的第二大股东。

    The deal will make Alibaba the second-largest shareholder in the retailing company .

  20. 苏宁电器:超越上市

    Suning Appliance Chain Store ( Group ) Co. , Ltd : going beyond listing

  21. 国美苏宁经营比较分析

    The Comparative Management Analysis between Gome and Suning

  22. 来自俄罗斯的伊万是广州大学的交换生,他也是苏宁的洋快递员之一。

    Russian exchange student from Guangzhou University , Ivan , is among the foreign couriers .

  23. 苏宁也将以140亿人民币的价格购买阿里巴巴1%的股票。

    Suning will also invest 14 billion yuan for 1 percent of Alibaba 's shares .

  24. 第四部分将苏宁和国美的财务指标进行了对比分析。

    The fourth part will suning and gome carries out a comparative analysis on financial indicators .

  25. 做出这笔投资后,苏宁将持有阿里巴巴近1.1%的股份。

    After the investment , Suning will hold a stake of approximately 1.1 per cent in Alibaba .

  26. 就在十年前,刘强东还是一个小小的电子产品店的店主,做梦也没想过能与中国最大的电子产品零售企业&苏宁电器展开竞争。

    A decade ago he would never have dreamed of competing with the country 's leading electronics retailer .

  27. 电商巨头阿里巴巴集团宣布以28亿人民币的价格投资电子零售商苏宁集团。

    E-commerce giant Alibaba Group announced it will invest 28 billion yuan in electronics retailer Suning Commerce Group .

  28. 喂,我是苏宁。我想请约翰逊先生接个电话。

    A Hello , this is Su Ning . I 'd like to speak to Mr Johnson , please .

  29. 工资增加正在提高零售业的利润,包括苏宁电器,国内最大的电器连锁商店。

    Higher wages are boosting profits at retailers including Suning Appliance Co. , the nation 's biggest electronics retailer .

  30. 截止到7月份,苏宁的配送中心超过了660个,快递点超过了2700个。

    Suning has more than 660 logistics centers and over 2700 delivery outlets as of the end of June .