
  • 网络Suzhou station;Suzhou Railway Station
  1. 湿铺法EVA自粘防水卷材在苏州火车站广场地下工程中的应用

    Application of wet-laid EVA self adhered waterproofing membrane in underground works of Suzhou Railway Station Plaza

  2. 苏州火车站地下交通联系通道火灾烟控方案的性能

    Fire Ventilation Control Scheme for Traffic Link Tunnel in Suzhou Railway Station

  3. 苏州火车站改造工程盖挖逆作法施工技术

    On the construction technique of the cover and excavation top-down method in the reconstruction project for Suzhou railway station

  4. 最后以苏州火车站为例,运用疏散理论研究了火灾事故时车站人员的疏散过程,确定了现场疏散路线和时间。

    Finally , Suzhou Railway Station as an example , using evacuation theoretical study to discuss the process of evacuation in the station , through this way determine the way and time of evacuation routes .

  5. 方法:对2000年6月~2003年5月间由原苏州市收容遣送站送入我院的流浪精神病人41例进行调查分析。

    Methods : 41 cases who had been admitted to our hospital from June 2000 to May 2003 were analysed .