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sū dá shuǐ
  • soda water;club soda;soda drink
  1. 我喝的伏特加苏打水饮料。

    A vodka soda drink I had .

  2. 这苏打水没有气了,没有泡沫。

    The soda water is stale and doesn 't effervesce .

  3. 那里面的威士忌比苏打水多。

    There was more whisky in it than soda .

  4. 苏打水在杯子里发出咝咝的声音来,尤塞夫贪婪地喝着酒。

    The soda hissed in the glasses and Yusef drank greedily .

  5. 我直接去酒吧点了一瓶苏打水。

    I went directly to the bar and ordered a bottle of soda .

  6. •Freshmintleaves新鲜薄荷叶•Whiterum白朗姆酒•Icecubes冰块•Sodawater苏打水混合鲜榨青柠汁,糖和薄荷叶,捣碎拌匀

    Muddle the lime juice , sugar and mint leaves , crushing the mint

  7. Caroline,你想喝苏打水吗?

    Uh , Caroline , you want a soda ?

  8. JoyceShaw经理禁止她的餐厅供应苏打水,而是提供新鲜的水果。

    Manager Joyce Shaw prohibits sodas in her cafeteria and offers fresh fruit smoothies instead .

  9. 紧随其后的是ATM数现钞的声音,烤架上烤牛排的滋滋声及苏打水被打开和倒出时的声音。

    Others that followed were an ATM dispensing cash , a steak sizzling on a grill and a soda being popped and poured .

  10. 比如,在一些地区,美国人称碳酸饮料为苏打水,另一个地方称之为汽水pop。

    For example , in some areas , Americans call a drink a soda ; in others they call it pop . Some cook with a frying pan ; others call it a skillet .

  11. 全美航空公司(usairways)计划从本周起不再向乘客收取苏打水、茶和其它饮料的费用,这个最新迹象表明,航空业正面临有史以来最为急剧的需求下滑之一。

    US Airways plans to stop charging passengers for soda , tea and other drinks this week in the latest sign that the airlines industry is braced for one of the steepest declines in demand for air travel in its history .

  12. 再配上牙买加米饭、豆子(最好是大芸豆)、一瓶红带啤酒或者一杯Ting牌的葡萄气泡苏打水,我想你已经无法抵制这美味的诱惑了吧。

    Enjoy that amazing chicken with a side of Jamaican rice and peas ( kidney beans , technically ) and a Red Stripe beer or a fizzy grapefruit soda called Ting .

  13. 美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)称,美国人从添加糖食品中获得16%的总热量,这些食品包括苏打水、运动型功能饮料、谷物甜点、含糖果汁、乳制甜点和糖果。

    In addition , the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) says Americans obtain 16 percent of their total calories from added sugars , namely soda , energy and sports drinks , grain-based desserts , sugar-sweetened fruit drinks , dairy-based desserts and candy .

  14. 加拿大阿尔伯特大学的Kate教授说:当你看到这个年龄段的儿童中,每天消费大量苏打水的儿童高比例之高,这种情况很让人担心。

    Professor Kate Storey , of the University of Alberta , Canada , said : When you are looking at that age group , and such a large percentage of very young kids in the study are consuming a large amount of soda , it is quite concerning .

  15. 加拿大阿尔伯特大学的Kate教授说:“当你看到这个年龄段的儿童中,每天消费大量苏打水的儿童高比例之高,这种情况很让人担心。”

    Professor Kate Storey , of the University of Alberta , Canada , said : " When you are looking at that age group , and such a large percentage of very young kids in the study are consuming a large amount of soda , it is quite concerning . "

  16. 在一间位于拐角的店铺里,当我丈夫在抓拍一字摆开的苏打水时,我们8岁的儿子玛拉基(Malachi)将手伸进了一个篮子中、够到了一瓶酸奶饮品--他觉得自己会非常喜欢喝。

    At a corner store , while my husband took snaps of a ramshackle soda display , our 8-year-old , Malachi , reached into a basket for a tart yogurt drink he 'd come to love .

  17. 四月初有报道称,百事可乐公司正在谈判购买苏打水机制造商SodaStream的股份,这进一步表明,随着苏打水行业的销量持续下滑,百事可乐公司正在寻求增加产品组合。

    Earlier in April , news that PepsiCo was in talks to buy stakes of SodaStream emerged , illustrating another way the beverage and food company has sought to expand its portfolio as sales for the soda industry continue to dip .

  18. 我想要不加冰的苏打水。

    And I 'll have a club soda with no ice .

  19. 柯林斯类鸡尾酒的辅料主要是柠檬汁和苏打水。

    Collins mixer is essentially sweetened lemon juice and club soda .

  20. 第一个转变是我现在改喝减肥苏打水。

    The first switch I made was switching to diet soda .

  21. 苏打水口腔护理预防呼吸道真菌感染的效果探讨

    Oral Nursing with Soda Solution against Fungous Infection in Respiratory Tract

  22. 然后,我在床的旁边搁了一瓶苏打水和一些糖果。

    I put a soda and some candy next to my bed .

  23. 我决心更加喝苏打水少,今年。

    I resolve to drink more water and less soda this year .

  24. 我要三杯可乐和一杯柠檬苏打水。

    I 'd like three coca colas and a lemonade .

  25. 托夫勒点了一份带有烤虾的柯布沙拉和苏打水。

    Toffler chooses a Cobb Salad with grilled shrimp and sparkling water .

  26. 我想要小杯苏打水和一盒巧克力。

    I 'd like a small soda and a box of chocolates .

  27. 这里全是苏打水和牛仔装。

    Here it 's all soda pop and blue jeans .

  28. 我给你的饮料重加一些苏打水和冰块。

    I will freshen your drink with more soda and ice cubes .

  29. 侍者往格丽卿的酒杯里倒了些苏打水。

    The barman splashed some soda in Gretchen 's glass .

  30. 当往水里加入苏打水时,会发生什么?

    What happened when the alka seltzer was added to the water ?