
  • 网络surin
  1. 不仅苏林有大象,塔卡农村也有很多大象。

    Not only Surin has a lot of elephants , but also Ta Klang does .

  2. 但是,大象在苏林依然有增无减,每年都有许多新生的大象。

    Elephants'raising in Surin , however , continues unabated , as young elephants are born every year .

  3. B组采用贝苏林喷鼻长方案。

    In group B , the patients were treated with long protocol of Buserelin intranasal spray .

  4. 苏林酸诱导结肠腺癌HT-29细胞凋亡的实验研究

    Sulindac Induced Apoptosis of HT-29 Colon Adenocarcinoma Cell

  5. 结果:流式细胞术、DNA电泳和透射电镜观察均显示苏林酸可诱导HT-29细胞凋亡,且具有时间和剂量依赖性。

    Flow cytometry , transmission electron microscopy and DNA electrophoresis all demonstrated that sulindac could induce apoptosis of the HT-29 cell line in a time - and dose-dependent manner .

  6. 在这项研究中,丹麦奥胡斯大学(AarhusUniversity)的苏林·达尔斯高(SorenDalsgaard)博士领导研究团队分析了在1981年至2011年之间出生于丹麦的所有儿童的病史。

    In the study , a research team led by Dr. Soren Dalsgaard of Aarhus University analyzed the medical histories of all children born in Denmark between 1981 and 2011 .

  7. 苏林酸对大肠腺瘤细胞的生长抑制作用研究

    The Growth Inhibition of Colorectal Adenoma Cells by Sulindac and Its Mechanisms

  8. 山豆根碱与山豆根苏林碱对血小板聚集和粘附的影响

    Effects of Dauricine and Daurisoline on Platelet Aggregation and

  9. 苏林教授从陈伊玲家里出来,走得很快。

    The professor walked away from chen 's house , and that very quickly .

  10. 苏林教授显然是大为生气了。

    Professor Su was obviously upset .

  11. 目的研究非甾体抗炎药苏林酸对大肠腺瘤细胞的生长抑制作用及其机制。

    Objective This study was conducted to assess the growth inhibition of colorectal adenoma cells by sulindac and identify the possible mechanisms .

  12. 苏林教授从秘书那里取去了陈伊玲的报名单,在填着地址的那一栏上,他用红铅笔划了一条粗线。

    Professor Su got Chen 's application form for enrollment from his secretary and underlined in red pencil the address she had put down on it .

  13. 许多参与者来自塔卡侬村,这个小村庄离苏林北部大约40公里,那里的人对拥有和培训大象感到非常自豪。

    Many of the participantsare from the village of Ta Klang , about40km north of Surin , where people take great pride in their tradition of owning and training elephants .