
  • 网络Scottish Conservative;Scottish Conservative Party
  1. 苏格兰保守党人一直好运连连。

    The Scottish Tories ' run of luck is holding .

  2. 这位苏格兰唯一的保守党议员,也是三个孩子的父亲的信件标题为:“新年新开始!”。之后,他将这一生最重要的决定写了出来:

    The father of three and Scotland 's only Tory MP titled his message : " New Year , New Start ! , " writing that coming out was one of the most important decisions of his life :

  3. 这也无法修缮党派分立严重的英国,FPTP使得工党人工主导苏格兰和威尔士,保守党过度主导英格兰。

    It does nothing to fix the problem of a divided Britain , in which FPTP leaves the left artificially dominant in Scotland and Wales , and the Conservatives unduly dominant in England .