
  • 网络skins;the fall;the office;silk;bad girls
  1. CW宣布预订最新版的《TheTomorrowPeople(未来青年)》,这是一部70年代广受欢迎的科幻类英剧,讲述一群有着超能力的人们的故事。

    The CW has ordered a pilot for a current adaptation of " The Tomorrow People , " a beloved ' 70s British series about humans with supernatural abilities .

  2. 据Deadline报道,嘉年华影业公司将会制作这部新剧,这家公司曾经联合制作一航英剧《唐顿庄园》。

    Carnival Films , the same company that co-produced Downton Abbey , is producing the new show , according to Deadline .

  3. 康伯巴奇将在BBC二套即将播出的英剧《空王冠:理查三世》中饰演这位国王。

    Cumberbatch will play Richard in the upcoming BBC Two drama series ' The Hollow Crown - King Richard III. "

  4. 最新数据显示,成千上万的父母开始用英剧《唐顿庄园》(DowntonAbbey)中角色的名字为孩子取名。

    Thousands of parents are naming their babies after Downton Abbey characters , new figures have revealed .

  5. 如果说我从PBS台的英剧里学到了什么的话,那就是仆人们都是坐楼下吃饭的。

    If I 've learned anything from British television shows on PBS , it 's that servants dine downstairs with their own kind .

  6. 墨西哥媒体巨头TelevisaUSA此前曾尝试改变过一部英剧,故事发生在前卡斯特罗年代的哈瓦那。

    Televisa USA previously took a stab at an English-language adaptation of the series set in pre-Castro Havana .

  7. 在此前的几周中,也一直有谣言称现年30岁的丹·史蒂文斯为了好莱坞事业将退出这部热门英剧,现在这一消息随着圣诞特辑中Matthew的死亡也得到了证实。

    Matthew 's death comes after weeks of speculation Stevens , 30 , would exit the soap as his career began to take off in Hollywood .

  8. 英剧《唐顿庄园》最后一季获得2016年英国国家电视奖最佳剧情奖,这是该剧五年内第四次获奖。《唐顿庄园》由英国独立电视台(ITV)出品。

    The final series of ITV 's Downton Abbey has won best drama for the fourth time in five years at the 2016 National Television Awards .

  9. 如果说电视评论协会为期一周的媒体邀请会中有什么可值得期待的,当首推PBC在周一下午举行的英剧《神探夏洛克》精彩见面会。

    If there was a most anticipated session during the weeks-long Television Critics Association press tour , it might have been PBS Masterpiece 's presentation of British drama Sherlock on Monday afternoon .

  10. 日本漫画《神探夏洛克:粉色的研究》将于六月登陆英国。该漫画改编自2010年BBC出品的英剧《神探夏洛克》,其中由本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇饰演的福尔摩斯和马丁·弗瑞曼饰演的华生医生以经典日漫风格登场。

    Out in June , Sherlock : A Study in Pink adapts the BBC series , which started in 2010 , transforming Benedict Cumberbatch 's Holmes and Martin Freeman 's Dr John Watson into classic manga images .

  11. 因为美国将比英国先播出英剧《维多利亚》的消息,ITV电视剧的英国粉丝而感觉“被羞辱”了。

    British fans of ITV 's Victoria have been left ' massively insulted ' over the news the ITV period drama will air in the US before it comes to the UK .

  12. 英剧《神探夏洛克》的编剧暗示称,BBC出品的《神探夏洛克》圣诞特辑引用了一个秘密典故,只有说汉语的人才能懂。此举旨在向广大亚洲影迷致敬。

    The BBC 's Christmas special of Sherlockis to contain a secret reference viewers will have to speak Chinese to understand , the show 's writer has hinted , in a nod to the show 's huge Asian fanbase .

  13. Gallifrey星球上不朽的时间领主利用一个像公用电话亭似的的TARDIS机器穿越时空——没错,这正是典型的英剧。

    An immortal Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey travels through time and space in the phone booth-like TARDIS machine -- yeah , it 's your just typical British import .

  14. 这一超英剧由艾力克·克莱普科担任编剧,改编自同名漫画(作者GarthEnnis及DarickRobertson),讲述了一群“义警”试图曝光超英管理集团(内幕)的故事。

    The superhero show was created by Eric Kripke and based on " TheBoys " comic books by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.The story follows a team of vigilantes as they attempt to expose a superhero-managing conglomerate .

  15. 这部英剧翻拍而来的美剧的执行制片人是《绿箭侠》的制片人GregBerlanti,和《吸血鬼日记》现任制片人JuliePlec,剧本改编将会由《超市特工》的编剧来做。

    The new adaptation has quite a pedigree , as it 's executive produced by Greg Berlanti ( " Arrow " ) and Julie Plec ( " The Vampire Diaries " ) . The pilot was written by Phil Klemmer ( " Chuck " ) .

  16. 记者:第四个问题关于英剧。

    Reporter : the fourth question is about a British drama .

  17. 《南方和北方》是另一部中国英剧迷必看的作品。

    North and South is another must-see for British TV fans in China .

  18. 秋季,美剧英剧纷纷回归。

    The American and English dramas have returned one after another in this Autumn .

  19. 同样经典的英剧还有《神秘博士》,它在中国同样广受欢迎。

    Doctor Who , another classic British TV series , enjoys great popularity in China .

  20. 如他们所言,看英剧的瞧不起看美剧的;

    As they say , those who watch British series despise those who watch American ones ;

  21. 说起人气超高的英剧,《神探夏洛克》一定榜上有名。

    Talking about the top ranking British TV series , Sherlock will be definitely on the list .

  22. 今天,我们就来看看在中国最受欢迎的一些英剧吧。

    Let 's have a look at some of the most popular British TV shows in China .

  23. 这位现年30岁的演员在告别热门英剧《唐顿庄园》之后,似乎经历了某种蜕变的过程。

    The 30-year-old Downton Abbey actor seems to have undergone something of a transformation since leaving the hit show .

  24. 通过英剧《神探夏洛克》,已有成千上万的人爱上了康伯巴奇饰演的挂名侦探。

    Millions of people already love Cumberbatch from the British TV show Sherlock , where he plays the titular detective .

  25. 报告同时还分析了大陆国产剧、韩剧和英剧三种剧集的互联网观众。

    It also analyzes Chinese Internet viewers of three TV dramas respectively from the Chinese mainland , South Korea and Britain .

  26. 在中国视频网站热门搜索中,英剧已然成为新的热点。

    British series is the new sexy for Chinese video websites in their eager search for a new ocean of content .

  27. 由史蒂夫·布莱克曼担任编剧的《伞学院》是一部改编自同名漫画系列的超英剧。

    Created by Steve Blackman , The Umbrella Academy is a superhero series based on the comic book series of the same name .

  28. 讽刺性的主题,高端的科技,现代生活和人性的无常——没错,这就是大热的英剧《黑镜》。

    Satirical themes , high technology , the uncertainty of modern life and humanity - yes , that is the British series hit Black Mirror .

  29. 正因爆料所透露的那般——英国女王是《唐顿庄园》的超级粉丝,对于这部英剧的终季,女王将紧“追”不舍火力全开。

    The Queen will be tuning to the finale of Downton Abbey as it was revealed she is a massive fan of the ITV series 。

  30. 这部英剧取材自亚瑟王的传说,可和原作联系并不紧密,讲述了年轻巫师梅林和亚瑟王的故事,但又与老版本有所不同。

    The show is loosely based on the Arthurian legends of the young wizard Merlin and his relationship with King Arthur but differs from traditional versions .