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  1. 2009年,一群英国基尔大学的心理学家发现:骂人甚至有助于减缓疼痛。

    In 2009 , psychologists from Keele University in the UK found that swearing can even help relieve pain .

  2. 英国基尔大学的罗宾·哈德利发现,59%的男性和63%的女性表示自己想要小孩。

    Robin Hadley , of Keele University , found that 59 percent of men and 63 percent of women said they wanted children .

  3. 英国基尔大学心理学院的研究人员们招募了71名大学生作为实验对象。大学生们在被要求进行一项冷水挑战的同时,一边反复说脏话或不说。

    Researchers at Keele University 's School of Psychology recruited 71 undergraduates who were asked to carry out a cold-water challenge while either repeating a swear word or a non-swear word .

  4. 妇女往往骂人较少,斯蒂芬斯,一位英国基尔大学心理学院的研究人员说。

    Women tend to swear less and that may make the words more powerful for them , says Stephens , a researcher in the school of psychology at Keele University in England .