
  1. 英国汽车工业的艰辛新闻很少有不报道的。

    The travails of the British car industry are Seldon out of the news .

  2. 英国汽车工业历史是一曲华丽的乐章,曲调清远回荡。

    The history of the British automotive industry is a beautiful music , melody echoed Qingyuan .

  3. 陷入困境的英国汽车工业。

    Britain 's troubled car industry .

  4. 英国汽车工业现状

    Presentation of British Motor Industry

  5. 在整个英国汽车工业大衰落的背景下,国有化改革是无法改变英国汽车工业走向衰亡的命运的。

    Within the macro context of the British motor industrial decline , nationalization could not avoid the downfall of British motor industry .

  6. 作为二战后英国国内最重要的制造业,英国汽车工业的发展为战后英国政府出口创汇和实现充分就业,做出了巨大的贡献。

    As one of the most important British manufacturing industries after the Second World War , motor industry have made enormous contributions to earn foreign exchange through exports and full employment for postwar British Government over twenty years .