
  1. 既然这不是一场比赛而是一场战争,那就让我们静静地坐等这场英德大战!

    Since it 's not a game but a war , then let 's wait for this war between Germany and England quietly .

  2. 在南非布隆方丹打响的英德大战中,德国队气势如虹,以4-1取得本场胜利。

    England have been knocked out of the2010 World Cup in the second round , after a rampant Germany side ran out4-1 victors in Bloemfontein .

  3. 英德大战吸引了全世界的目光,不过令人遗憾的是,一次令人瞠目结舌的误判严重影响了比赛的走势。

    The match between England and Germany had drawn the attention of the whole world , but regrettably , an astonishing misjudgment severely influenced the trend of the match .