
  • 网络english website;English Site
  1. 第二个是对eBay中文网站和英文网站的分析应用。

    And the second one is about the analysis application of eBay Chinese website and English website .

  2. NBA官方中英文网站技术统计差异比较方差未知的统计控制问题中的可容许估计

    Differences of the Technique Statistics between NBA Official English and Chinese Websites ; ADMISSIBLE ESTIMATES FOR A CONTROL PROBLEM WITH UNKNOWN VARIANCE

  3. B你使用英文网站吗?

    B Do you use English-language websites ?

  4. 活动策划创意总监林树鑫(SKLam)向香港信报英文网站Ejinsight透露,灯海的造价高达八位数。

    SK Lam , creative director of events planner , told Ejinsight , the lights cost an ' eight-digit figure ' to create .

  5. 在淘宝及其英文网站阿里巴巴全球速卖通(AliExpress)上,明显存在大量形态各异、尺寸不一的仿冒品。

    On Taobao and AliExpress , the English-language version of the site , myriad fakes of all shapes and sizes are evident .

  6. 这些物品大多在Alibaba.com和1688.com都有销售,Alibaba.com是批发制造品的全球黄页,1688.com则是该英文网站的中文版,专注于国内b2b交易。

    Most of these items are for sale on Alibaba . com , which functions as a global Yellow Pages for wholesale manufactures , and also listed on 1688 . com , a Chinese version of the English site used for domestic business-to-business trade .

  7. 阿里巴巴现在主要利用英文网站Aliexpress在美国进行推介,该网站致力于将美国企业与中国批发商联系起来。

    Alibaba now markets in the US mainly using Aliexpress , an English language website intended to connect US businesses with wholesalers in China .

  8. 提供网站实时分析服务的纽约公司Chartbeat,在短短几年内,客户便覆盖了80%的顶级在线出版商的网站,包括《财富》的英文网站。

    The New York-based company , which offers real-time analytics for websites , has in just a few years worked its code into the websites of 80 % of the top online publishers , including the one you 're reading right now .

  9. 清华大学图书馆英文网站系统架构设计与实现

    Architecture Design and Implementation of English Website of Tsinghua University Library

  10. 清华大学图书馆新版英文网站的构建

    Construction of the New English Version Website of Tsinghua University Library

  11. 英文网站对我练习英语有好处。

    The English ones are good for practicing my English .

  12. 周一上午,该节选的片段将刊发于财富英文网站。

    A snapshot of it will be online early Monday .

  13. 我们建议你提前看一下翻译公司的英文网站。

    We recommend you browse the English website of the translation company .

  14. 英文网站的搜索引擎优化及其海外宣传策略

    SEO for English - language web pages and website promotion

  15. 高校图书馆英文网站现状调查及建设探索

    The Navigation on English Websites of Chinese University Libraries and Their Development Practice

  16. 在英文网站上学习是一种很好的学习方式!

    Well , great , it is really a good website for English studying !

  17. 主办方在英文网站上说:扔手机比赛中可不用药检。

    There will be no doping tests , organisers said on their English website .

  18. 不要翻译英文网站,请直接使用西班牙文网站。

    Do not translate a site in English , but use a site in Spanish .

  19. 内容管理系统在图书馆网站中的应用&清华大学图书馆英文网站实例分析

    Content Management System and Application in Library Website : Case Analysis of Tsinghua University Library

  20. 有没有需要建完美的英文网站或者修改英文文件?

    Do you have a English website or documents that need to be perfect native english ?

  21. 这句话应当怎样理解,请教各位请发形式发票给我或直接给我你们的英文网站好上我浏览和下单。

    Please send invoice or direct me to an English site to be able to read and order .

  22. 举例来说,如果你是法科学生,你可以浏览登有律师事务所招聘广告的英文网站。

    For example , if you are a law student you can look at English websites that advertise positions in law firms .

  23. 如果英文网站里的英文很烂,那建议赶快离开这家公司。

    If there are problems with the English on the website , it is advised to hurry up and find another translation company .

  24. 大多数大公司都有自己的英文网站,小企业也意识到他们需要一种通用语言,也就是英语,来争取全球范围内的客户。

    And most large companies have English websites , while smaller businesses are learning that they need a common language - English - to reach global customers .

  25. 实际上学生的英语都足够好,完全可以浏览英文网站,但或许他们的父母想要浏览中文网站,斯莱德说。

    The actual students speak English well enough to read the English site , but it may be that their parents want to read the Chinese , Mr. Slade said .

  26. 这场规模达3000万美元的宣传活动主要针对美国市场,同时也会在欧洲和中东推出,其目的在于向美国企业家介绍阿里巴巴的英文网站。

    The $ 30 million campaign , focused primarily on the U.S. but which will also appear in Europe and the Middle East , aims to introduce U.S. entrepreneurs to Alibaba . com 's English-language site .

  27. 该公司的英文网站上声明:我们生产的镀金钨钢产品仅作为纪念品和装饰品用途,我们谨在此声明:请勿把我们生产的镀金钨钢产品用于非法用途。

    Our gold-plated tungsten alloy products are only for souvenir and decoration purpose , the company says on its website . Here we declare : Please do not use our gold-plated tungsten alloy products for illegal purpose .

  28. 本文主要从著名的英文网站&美国广告委员会网站,世界自然基金会网站,国家地理网站等随机选取了40篇公益广告。

    The researcher has collected 40 public service advertising texts ( PSAs ) randomly , most of which are from famous English websites , to be specific , the websites of American Ad Council , the World Wild Fund and National Geographic and so on .

  29. 介绍了网络的主要功能,并列举了一系列与英语学习相关的英文网站,旨在帮助广大英语爱好者学会利用网络来获取英文资料,改善语言环境和提高语言交际能力。

    This paper introduces the main functions of the Internet , and then lists a large number of websites related to English learning , aiming at helping the English learners make use of the Internet to access online learning materials , improve language environment and develop the communicating abilities .

  30. 英文网站的建立,搭建起了海内外交流合作的平台,但大部分白酒企业由于网页文本的翻译质量低下,没有起到良好的宣传效果,有的还严重损坏了企业形象。

    The establishment of English websites creates platforms for domestic enterprises in the international exchange and cooperation . However , because of the poor quality of the translated Chinese liquor corporate profiles , most of the liquor enterprises have not achieved the desired effect of publicity but damaged their image .