
  • 网络glycoside;Aminoglycosides
  1. 这一令人鼓舞的消息源于这样一个发现:较低的白蜡树枯梢病易感性与较低水平的植物化学物质“环烯醚萜苷类”(iridoidglycosides)之间存在关联。

    The encouraging news comes from the discovery of a link between reduced susceptibility to ash dieback and lower levels of plant chemicals called iridoid glycosides .

  2. 环烯醚萜苷类有助于保护植物免受虫害,因此这类化合物的含量较低可能使英国白蜡树在另一大威胁——一种被称为白蜡窄吉丁(emeraldashborer)的甲虫——面前更为脆弱。

    Iridoid glycosides help to protect plants against insect pests , so low levels could make the British trees more vulnerable to the other big threat to European ash , a beetle called the emerald ash borer .

  3. 蔓生白薇中的C(21)甾苷类成分

    C_ ( 21 ) Steroidal Glycosides from Cynanchum versicolor Bunge

  4. 白首乌中一个新的C(21)甾体苷类化合物

    Newly-found C_ ( 21 ) steroidal glycoside from the roots of Cynanchum auriculatum

  5. 两种萝藦科植物的C(21)甾体苷类成分和免疫活性研究

    C_ ( 21 ) Steroidal Glycosides from Two Species of Asclepiadaceae and Their Immunological Activities

  6. 卷柏属药用植物黄酮苷类成分的HPLC指纹特征研究

    Study on HPLC Fingerprint Characteristics of Flavone Glycosides in Selaginella Plants

  7. 苷类化合物研究Ⅱ&熊果苷和天麻苷类似物的NMR研究

    The study on NMR of derivatives of arbutin and gastrodin

  8. 直立白薇C(21)甾体苷类LC-MS分析

    Study on C_ ( 21 ) steroidal glycosides of Cynanchum atratum by LC-MS

  9. 不属于甾类化合物,或没有甾类化合物作用。白首乌中一个新的C(21)甾体苷类化合物

    Not steroidal or not having the effects of steroid hormones . Newly-found C_ ( 21 ) steroidal glycoside from the roots of Cynanchum auriculatum

  10. 方法:应用缺口连接酶链反应对3个有明确氨基苷类抗生素应用史的耳聋家系(共20例)及56例听力正常个体的线粒体DNA突变进行分析研究。

    Method Blood samples were detected from 3 families with aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness and 56 persons with normal hearing function by gap ligase chain reaction ( G LCR ) .

  11. 目的建立利胆合剂中环烯醚萜苷类(龙胆苦苷)和蒽醌类(大黄素、大黄酸)的薄层色谱鉴别方法(TLC法)。

    Objective To establish the TLC identification method for iridoid glycosides ( gentiopicrin ) and anthraquinone ( emodin , rhein ) in Lidan mixture .

  12. 玫瑰花红色素属于花色苷类物质,它在不同溶剂中最大吸收波长不同,在同一溶剂中不同pH值下最大吸光值不同,所以采用经典的pH值示差法测定总含量。

    We use the classical pH differential method to determine the total content because the biggest wavelength of the anthocyanins in the different solvents is different and the biggest absorbance in the same solvents and different pH value is different .

  13. 通过LC-MS分析,黑莓渣提取物中有三种花色苷类化合物,其中最主要的是矢车菊素-3-葡萄糖苷。

    According to the result of LC-MS , there were three kinds of anthocyanins in the extract , with cyanin-3-glucoside as the major one .

  14. 大理白前化学成分及其生物活性研究大理白前中甾体苷类化学成分ESI-MS裂解行为研究

    Studies on the Constituents and Bioactivity of Cynanchum Forrestii Studies on the ESI-MS Fragmentation Behavior of Steroidal Glycosides from Cynanchum Forrestii

  15. 栀子果实中主要的有效成分为环烯醚萜苷类,而栀子苷(geniposide)为此苷类主要有效成分之一。

    The major constituents of Gardenia fruits are iridoid glycosides , among which geniposide is the major iridoid component .

  16. 改进的Tietze法合成对位取代苯酚氧苷类化合物

    Synthesis of p-Substituted Phenolic O-Glycoside via Improved Tietze 's Method

  17. 生物活性测试结果表明大部分化合物都具有很强的清除DPPH自由基活性,部分没食子酸衍生物以及黄酮苷类化合物具有很强的抑制α-葡萄糖苷酶活性。

    Biological activities tests indicated most compounds showed very stronger DPPH free radical scavenging activity , and some gallic acid derivatives and Flavonol glycosides showed powerful a-glucosidase inhibition activity .

  18. S3含有有机酸,糖、多糖和苷类,皂苷,黄酮及其苷类,内酯、香豆素及其苷类,植物甾醇、三萜成分以及挥发油和油脂等多种成分。

    There were organic acid , sugar , polysaccharide and nucleoside , saponins , lactone , coumarone and nucleoside , plant sterol and terpene composition , volatile oil and grease in S3 .

  19. C21甾苷类成分是白首乌的特征性成分和主要药效成分,也是控制白首乌药材质量的指标成分。

    Cynauricuoside A is the characteristic and main effective constituents of Cynanchum auriculatum .

  20. 目的:建立氨基苷类和链霉菌属类抗生素的HPLC-IPD方法。

    Part One Establishing of HPLC-IPD methodsObjective : To established HPLC-IPD methods for determination of aminoglycoside and streptomycete antibiotics .

  21. 结果:有关药物的生物和制剂样品能够得到良好的分离测定。结论:HPLC-IPD法适于氨基苷类抗生素和链霉菌属抗生素治疗药物监测(TDM)的应用。

    Results and Conclusion : The HPLC-IPD methods established can be applied to determine aminoglycoside and streptomycete antibiotics in biological samples in Therapeutic Drug Monitoring ( TDM ) .

  22. 另外,本研究也进一步提示,NHE-1抑制剂可作为强心苷类药物治疗心衰的辅助药具有研究开发前景。

    In addition , our study also suggest that research and development of the inhibitor of NHE-1 have the prospect of as adjunctive therapy with Cs to treat CHF .

  23. 试验观察从天然植物中提取的黄酮醇苷类化合物AF-8B对小鼠机体是否有抗疲劳作用。

    This study is to test whether AF-8B ( a flavonol glycoside concentrate from natural plant ) can improve the antifatigue function in mice .

  24. 刺五加(AcanthopanaxSenticosus)是一种珍贵药用植物,其中所含的多糖是除苷类外的另一类活性成分,具有良好的抗肿瘤和免疫调节功能。

    Polysaccharide from Acanthopanax senticosus , which is a costful traditional medicinal plant , is a kind of active compounds as well as glycoside in Acanthopanax senticosus , and it has many pharmaceutical activities , such as anticancer , enhancing immunity of human body .

  25. 板栗花中一个新木脂苷类化合物

    A new lignan glycoside from the flower of Castanea mollissima Blume

  26. 含羟基化合物及其葡萄糖醛酸苷类反相高效液相色谱法保留指数预测

    Prediction of RP-HPLC Retention Index for Hydroxyl-Containing Compounds and Their Glucuronides

  27. 氨基苷类抗生素致聋家系线粒体基因突变的检测

    Detection of mitochondrial gene mutation in aminoglycoside antibiotic induced deafness families

  28. 生理活性黄酮及7-O-糖基黄酮苷类化合物的合成研究

    The Study on Synthesis of New Physiological Active Flavonoids and Flavone-O-glucosides

  29. 氨基苷类高水平耐药肠球菌的耐药性及修饰酶基因分布

    The resistance and aminoglycoside-modifying enzyme genotypes of high-level amino-glycoside resistant Enterococcus

  30. 草莓红色素属花色苷类化合物,在酸性条件下相对稳定,光、热对色素具有一定的降解作用。

    The natural strawberry red pigment is a kind of anthocyanin compound .
