
  • 网络apple valsa canker;valsa mali;Valsa mali Miyabe et Yamada;valsa canker of apple
  1. 苹果树腐烂病研究概况

    Review of researches on the Valsa Canker of apple trees

  2. 苹果树腐烂病侵染来源的研究

    Studies on the pathogen sources of Valsa Canker of apple

  3. 苹果树腐烂病是一种分布广泛的世界性病害。

    Rot disease of apple tree is a worldwide fungal disease .

  4. 中国苹果树腐烂病发生和防治情况调查

    Investigations on the occurrence and control of apple canker in China

  5. 陕西苹果树腐烂病的发生规律及防治新技术的研究

    Research on Occurrence Regulation and New Control-Techniques of Apple Canker in Shaanxi

  6. 利用植物内生放线菌及化学药剂防治苹果树腐烂病的研究

    Control Efficacy of Apple Tree Valsa Canker by Endophytic Actinomycetes and Chemicals

  7. 灭菌肥Ⅰ型涂治苹果树腐烂病效果

    Effectiveness of fungus - killing fertilizer I in control of Apple Tree Canker

  8. 腐必帖防治苹果树腐烂病新方法的研究

    Study on the New Method of Controlling Apple Canker with " FUBITIE "

  9. 福美砷悬浮剂防治苹果树腐烂病疤复发药效试验

    Effect Test of Asomate SC for Prevention and Cure of Recrudescence of Apple Tree Canker

  10. 中药无公害防治苹果树腐烂病技术及效果

    Non-environmental Pollution Technology and the Effect on Apple Rot Disease Controlling with Chinese Traditional Medicine

  11. 福美砷与抗寒剂混配喷雾防治苹果树腐烂病研究

    Study on Mixture of Asomate and Anti - cold Preparation to Control Apple Tree Canker

  12. 因此,寻找和开发能够有效防治苹果树腐烂病的新型杀菌剂和生防制剂具有重要的应用价值。

    And it would be of great application values to search after new and effective fungicides for controlling apple tree valsa canker .

  13. 在以往的苹果树腐烂病治理上,我国主要采用福美砷防治并取得了较好的效果,但福美砷属中等毒性杀菌剂,更是强致敏及皮肤刺激剂,长期使用有害人体健康。

    But asomate is medium , more strong toxic microbicides sensitized and skin pair stimulants . The long-term use is harmful to human health .

  14. 实验结果证明,该模型预测精度高。(3)构建苹果树腐烂病预测模型。

    The model show that the prediction accuracy is better than the BP prediction model . ( 3 ) The Model of Apple Tree Canker .

  15. 由真菌引发的苹果树腐烂病是我国果树种植区危害最严重的病害之一,传统的防治方法是以化学防治为主。

    Rot disease of apple caused by epiphyte is one of the most severe diseases . Chemical methods played an important role in traditional control methods .

  16. 采用Dn&311近似饱和最优设计三因素五水平试验,研究了福美砷与抗寒剂分别以不同浓度混配及不同时期喷雾对苹果树腐烂病的防治效果。

    Dn-311 similar saturated optimal design was used in experiment with 3 factors and 5 levels , Studying on the control effect of different concentration and different applied times of asomate and anti-cold preparation for apple tree canker .

  17. 青霉素对苹果树及腐烂病中根皮苷影响的研究

    Study on the Effect of Penicillin on the Apple Tree and Phloridzin of Apple Tree Canker

  18. 以豆腐皮夹层蕃茄、椒、兰豆、子、腐等各种大豆蔬果与马自瑞拉乳酪焗烤而成。青霉素对苹果树及腐烂病中根皮苷影响的研究

    Piled bean curd skin and mixed vegetables in turns and baked with Mozzarella cheese . Study on the Effect of Penicillin on the Apple Tree and Phloridzin of Apple Tree Canker