
mào shèng
  • lush;flourishing;luxuriant;exuberant;plenitude
茂盛 [mào shèng]
  • [exuberant;flourishing;lush;luxuriant] 形容草木长得茂盛繁密

  • 茂盛的青草

茂盛[mào shèng]
  1. 沿河岸长有高大茂盛的植物。

    Tall , luxuriant plants grew along the river bank .

  2. 房屋的后院有着茂盛的的杂草。

    The backyard of our house has a luxuriant growth of weeds .

  3. 这片丘岭草木茂盛,郁郁葱葱。

    The hills are covered in lush green vegetation .

  4. 这些植物在潮湿的气候下长势茂盛。

    These plants flourish in a damp climate .

  5. 这种植物生长起来茂盛茁壮。

    This plant is a vigorous grower .

  6. 这块地从草木茂盛的狭长地带一直伸展开来。

    The land sweeps away from long areas of greenery .

  7. 随着植物越来越茂盛,你需要把它们移植到更大的花盆里。

    As your plants flourish , you 'll need to repot them in bigger pots .

  8. 南部各郡有茂盛的牧场。

    There are lush pastures in the southern counties .

  9. 作物在肥沃的土壤中长得茂盛。

    Crops flourish in rich soil .

  10. 不必担心把玫瑰花丛剪得太厉害,花丛还会长起来的,而且会更加茂盛。

    Don 't worry about cutting the rose bushes severely , they always grow back , stronger and healthier than ever .

  11. 这种树叶茂盛、枝条伸展的树木种植于坟墓片边,作为传统仪式的一部分。

    The leafy , spreading trees were planted on graves and as part of traditional rituals .

  12. 它的来去没有太多预警,一大片茂盛的绿叶植物一年就能干枯,第二年就会被吹走。

    It comes and goes without much warning , and a field of lush leafy greens one year can dry up and blow away the next .

  13. 果园里的那些母树都长得十分茂盛。

    All those mother trees in the garden are exuberant .

  14. 该菌在胡萝卜培养基上生长最茂盛,生长的最适温度为28~31°C。

    The optimal growth temperature of Ph. cinnamomi was 28 ~ 31 ° C , optimal culture medium was tomato agar medium .

  15. 一位金融圈的同仁最近在Facebook上宣布,他已退休,搬到了林木茂盛的美国东北部,期待着能在远离华尔街的森林风光中垂钓、徒步,消磨时光。

    A colleague from the financial world recently announced on Facebook that he had retired to the woodsy north-east of the US and that he was looking forward to spending his days fishing and hiking in a sylvan landscape far from Wall Street .

  16. 他在80岁生日时迎娶了第三任太太格拉萨?马歇尔(GracaMachel),在约翰内斯堡树木茂盛的郊外一所大房子中颐养天年。

    He married his third wife , Gra ? a Machel , on his 80th birthday , and settled into a spacious home in a leafy suburb of Johannesburg .

  17. 莫索尔的圣保罗修道院(CheminSt.Paul,13210St.-Rémy-de-Provence;33-4-90-92-77-00)是梵高在普罗旺斯的圣雷米接受治疗的“精神病院”,你可以在这里参观他当时的病房,看到他在此治疗期间画过的茂盛的花园和风景。

    St. Paul de Mausole Monastery ( Chemin St. Paul , 13210 St. - R é my-de-Provence ; 33-4-90-92-77-00 ) is the " asylum " where van Gogh received treatment in St. - R é my-de-Provence , and where you can visit his former room and see the lush gardens and landscapes he painted during his time there .

  18. 这个花园里花草茂盛.园里生长着许多奇花异草。

    Many strange flowers and grasses are growing in the garden .

  19. 茂盛的森林延伸到平原处,宽阔而遥远。

    The lush forest spreads far and wide until the plain .

  20. 大部分的花缺少水和阳光不会茂盛。

    Most flowers will not thrive without the water and sunshine .

  21. 因为这些花都有香气,而且在有荫的地方长得很茂盛。

    For these are sweet , and prosper in the shade .

  22. 表层沉积物则呈现现代环境的特征,西太湖藻类生长茂盛,偏氧化的沉积环境。

    The uppermost surficial sediment shows features of a modern environment .

  23. 树木和植被比以前看起来更茂盛了。

    The trees and the piants iook more iush than ever .

  24. 那里树木茂盛,群山起伏,绿色安宁。

    it 's lush , hilly , green , and peaceful .

  25. 这些树木和植物看起来更茂盛了。

    The trees and the plants look more lush than ever .

  26. 茂盛的森林为何长不出参天大树&制约湖北文学发展的精神文化因素

    The Energetic Cultural Element Restricting the Further Development of Hubei Literature

  27. 成长最快的品种在边缘和两端突出部分最为茂盛

    The fastest-growing types grow best on the edges and overhangs ,

  28. 大部分的花无水和阳光不会茂盛。

    Most flowers will not thrive without water and sunshine .

  29. 住在花木茂盛的漂亮城堡里。

    He lived in a beautiful castle overlooking green fields .

  30. 你是怎,怎么把它们种得如何茂盛的呢?

    How , how do you get them to flourish like this ?