
  1. 范美忠:范美忠确实也有他的缺点,比方说他的大爱不够等等。

    Fan : I have my weaknesses ; my love has its limits .

  2. 张文斌说,“作为一个人,范美忠也有生存需要”。

    " Fan , as a person , also needs to live ," Zhang said .

  3. 范美忠:对我来说,这篇文章引起了另一场大地震,其震级之大是我始料未及的。

    The article caused an earthquake .

  4. 我们希望媒体能对范美忠宽容一些,给他一些生存的空间。

    We hope the media will be tolerant about Fan and give him some living space .

  5. 但是,张文斌表示,学校聘用范美忠是因为他丰富的教学经验和才华。

    Zhang said , however , that Fan had been hired for his extensive teaching experience and talent .

  6. 我认为,范美忠先跑的行为本身是无可非议的。

    From my point of view , Fan 's behavior of the escaping first itself is above exception .

  7. 范美忠新奇的直白(表述)在中国引起了愤怒,博主们给他起了“范跑跑”的绰号还要求解雇他。

    Fan 's refreshing frankness has sparked outrage in China , with bloggers dubbing him " Runner Fan " and demanding his dismissal .

  8. 周三,海淀区开华教育学校新闻发言人张文斌对新华社表示,范美忠已与该校签订了两年的合同。

    Fan Meizhong has a two-year contract with Keyfind Education School in the Haidian District , school spokesman Zhang Wenbin told Xinhua on Wednesday .

  9. “范跑跑”原名范美忠,因在汶川地震中不顾学生安危独自逃跑而被广泛指责。

    Fan Meizhong , called " Runner Fan ", was widely condemned for running out of the classroom before his students in the May12 earthquake .

  10. 中国新闻周刊:由于一篇博客文章,今天的范美忠已经成为名人,最初预料到这样的爆炸性结果了吗?

    China News Week : as a result of the article you posted on your blog , you ` re famous now . Did you expect the fame ?

  11. 范美忠:对于我个人来说,当初写作这篇文章的直接出发点是主要是为了记录自己这次非凡的经历,以及给给学生以解释,给朋友以安慰。

    Fan : Writing that blog helped me record a rare , uncommon experience . I was able to explain it to my students and comfort my friends .

  12. 范美忠所在的私立学校的校长现在受到社会舆论压力要求辞退这位老师,校长也公开质疑范美忠如此坦率的言论是否是聪明的行为。

    Now the head of the private school where Mr Fan worked is under pressure to fire the teacher , and publicly questioned Mr Fan 's wisdom in being so frank .

  13. 出于一种愚蠢的勇气,范美忠在他的博客上坦承他的做事原则是:在生死关头,他从来就是一个自私的人。

    In an act of moral foolhardiness , Fan Meizhong set out on a blog his guiding principle : in matters of life and death , it 's every man for himself .

  14. 张文斌说,本来,周日有一场讲座。但是,范美忠新工作的消息传出后,媒体都指责该校是为了宣传炒作,结果讲座被取消。

    A lecture was planned for Sunday , but after word of Fan 's new job got out , with the media accusing the school of using the teacher for publicity , the lecture was cancelled , Zhang said .