
máo ɡāo cài
  • Drosera;a kind of hazelnut
  1. 美国研究人员发现,食虫植物茅膏菜和狼蛛的饮食结构存在高度重叠。

    US researchers found examples where there was a high dietary overlap between pink sundews , a carnivorous plant , and wolf spiders .

  2. 有些科学家提出,像猪笼草和茅膏菜一类的植物之所以成为食肉性植物,是努力适应周围环境的表现。

    Some scientists suggest that plants like the pitcher plant and the sundew became carnivorous because they were trying to adapt to their environments .

  3. 这样做的目的是决定狼蛛的存在及食物可用性等因素对茅膏菜构成哪些影响。

    The aim was to determine what impact factors , such as the presence of spiders and food availability , would have on the plants .

  4. 他们发现,狼蛛对茅膏菜产生了多方面的负面影响,比如生成的花柄和种子数量减少。

    They found that the spiders had a number of adverse effects on the plants , including a reduction in flower stalks and seeds being produced .