
jīnɡ jiān
  • tip
  1. 柑桔茎尖培养的研究I.茎尖培养与增殖

    Studies on Shoot Tip Culture of Citrus I.Shoot Tip Culture and Its Propagation

  2. 体细胞胚经过球形胚、心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶胚而发育成再生植株,子叶期体细胞胚可观察到明显的V型维管束、茎尖分生组织以及根尖分生组织。

    Plantlet regenerations were developed from global embryo , heart-shaped embryo , torpedo-shaped embryo and cotyledon embryo , in which the V-shaped vessel vascular bundles and shoot tip meristem and root tip meristem were observed .

  3. 水蜜桃茎尖基因组DNA不同提取方法研究

    Study on the Different Extraction Method of Genomic DNA of Juicy Peach Stem-tip

  4. 外源DNA导入烤烟后变异株D1代茎尖染色体核型分析

    Chromosome Karyotype Analysis Of Stem Apex from Transformed with Foreign DNA mutant D_1 Generation Tobacco

  5. 对茎尖进行了转化,只获得抗性植株,但未检测到PCR阳性植株。

    The shoot meristems were transformed . But no plants were positive , according to PCR results . 6 .

  6. 1以东方百合品鳞片为外植体,采用MS培养基和不同外源激素配比,进行组织培养,研究其茎尖分生组织分化。

    Meristem culture of Oriental Hybrid Lily through its scales was studied in MS medium with different external hormone treatments .

  7. 由茎尖途径培养获得119个F2无性系株系,其再生植株在苗期株系内生长整齐一致;

    The regeneration plants 119 materials of F2 clonal population from stem tipes growed uniformly in lines in seedling stage ;

  8. 农杆菌介导的棉花茎尖遗传转化及转betA植株的产生

    Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Shoot Apex of Cotton and Production of Transgenic Plants Carrying BetA Gene

  9. 结果表明,不同生育期白菜茎尖DNA甲基化水平不同,营养生长期高于生殖生长期。

    The results showed that the DNA methylation level of shoot apices at different stages was different , That at vegetative stage was higher than reproductive stage .

  10. 不同采摘期甘薯茎尖中的硝酸盐亚硝酸盐和VC含量分析

    Analysis of the Contents of Nitrate , Nitrite and VC in the Stem-apex of Sweet Potatoes in Different Picking Stages

  11. 以茎尖为外植体,采用MS培养基为基本培养基,适当调整激素浓度,进行白网纹草丛生芽诱导技术及外植体消毒技术研究。

    Stem-point is used as explant . And medium MS is used as basic medium . Concentration of internal secretion is adjusted properly .

  12. 6-BA对大豆茎尖诱导再生植株的研究

    Study on 6-BA to the regeneration of tip shoot of soybean

  13. 以叶用莴苣微茎尖为试材,在含有BA和NAA的MS液体培养基上旋转培养,诱导出大量愈伤组织;

    Primordium-like tissue was established from the apical meristem under rotation culture on MS medium with BA and NAA .

  14. 45℃2h以内热激处理可促进菜薹茎尖的增殖。

    Heat shock with shoot-tips at 45 ℃ for 2h could stimulate the proliferation of shoots .

  15. 6-BA诱导大豆子叶节和茎尖出芽的研究

    Studies on Shoots Induced by 6-BA from Cotyledonary Nodes and Embryonic Tips of Soybean

  16. SOD在茎尖分布最多,而POD则以活动根分布为最多,差异均达极显著水平,供试的5个品种,其SOD活性差异显著,表明了它们对水分胁迫反应的不一致性。

    There were significant differences in SOD activities among the 5 tested cultivars , which indicated that loquat cultivars had different responses to water defficiency stress .

  17. 杨和苹果离体茎尖培养和愈伤组织分化与内源IAA、ABA的关系

    Relationship Between the Formation of Shoot Apexes and Calli Differentiation of Poplar and Apple in vitro and Endogenous IAA and ABA

  18. 用不同浓度的6BA对茎尖进行不同时间的处理,不同的品种对6BA的效果不一致。

    To treat the apexes with 6-BA with different concentration for different time , we found that the effect was distinct with different varieties .

  19. 春化处理后,两处理植株茎尖组织DNA甲基化水平都较对照下降;但GA含量明显上升,为对照的2~3倍;

    After vernalization , DNA methylation level in shoot apices under both treatment condition was decreased comparing with control plants , but GA content was increased to 2-3 times of control 's.

  20. 以河北省两个名优地方品种安国大蒜和永年大蒜为试材,用Ms,B5作基本培养基,研究了大蒜茎尖繁殖脱毒快繁技术。

    The virus-eliminating technology with shoot-tip culture and rapid propagation of two local famous elite garlic varieties in Hebei province were studied .

  21. 转基因植株ZR的含量在茎尖和根系中的变化不一致。

    Under different IBA concentrations , The content of ZR in shoot tip and roots of the transgenic plants are inconsistent . 3 .

  22. 茎尖途径形成的再生植株R1代变异系数分析发现:在一次有效枝起点上表现出的差异最大,变异频率为44.54%;

    The result of analysis about CV ( coefficient of variation ) in R_1 generation suggested that variation in zero point for 1st branches was the highest , and it 's frequency of variation was 44.54 % ;

  23. 21d后调查,茎尖存活率达84.6%。

    The survival rate of the shoot tips reached 84.6 % , after 21d regrowth .

  24. 方法剥取不大于1mm的姜茎尖生长点为外植体,以MS为基本培养基,附加不同种类和浓度的植物生长物质进行培养。

    Methods The ginger stem apex ((?) < 1 mm ) was taken as explants and cultured on MS medium with different portions of plant growth substances .

  25. GUS染色结果显示,POS基因在根、叶、茎尖、节位和分蘖芽都有表达。

    Staining results showed that POS mRNA was detected in vegetative organs , including root , leaf , shoot apex , upper node and tiller .

  26. 诱导茎尖成苗的培养基为MS+6-BA0.5mg/L。繁殖脱毒苗所用的MS培养基为1/4大量元素+1/2微量元素,并用1/2食用白砂糖代替蔗糖,可使快繁成本降低48.7%。

    The MS media for seedlings virus-free culture are 1 / 4 macro-elements + 1 / 2 micro-elements and using edible sugar instead of sucrose , so the cost of media could be decreased to 48.7 % .

  27. 0.2%NaCl明显抑制试管苗的生长;但当培养基中NaCl浓度高达1.0%时,试管苗茎尖和上部叶片仍保持绿色。

    While plantlets were obviously stunted at NaCl higher than 0.2 % , their shoot - tips and upper leaves remained green even when 1.0 % NaCl was included in the media .

  28. 泡桐微茎尖培养脱除泡桐丛枝病原(MLO)的研究

    Eradication of Paulownia Witches ' Broom Agent ( MLO ) from Infected Plantlet by Meristem Tip Culture

  29. 甘薯茎尖和薯块的多酚含量与绿原酸及其异构体的含量、比例与其DPPH清除能力相关。

    The DPPH-scavenging activities of vine tips and roots of sweetpotato were related positively to polyphenolic content and chlorogenic acid and its isomer content .

  30. 初步建立了茎尖培养快速繁殖COLt苗木的技术程序,为实际应用开辟了新途径。

    The technical process of rapid propagation with stem tip was primary established and explored a new pathway for practical application .