
chá nóng
  • tea grower
茶农 [chá nóng]
  • [tea grower] 以种植茶树、采集茶叶为生的农民

茶农[chá nóng]
  1. 通常,茶农在一大片土地上种植许多茶树。

    Tea famers usually grow many tea plants on a large piece of land .

  2. 茶叶待采摘时是茶农一年中最忙的时候。

    When the tea leaves are ready to be picked , it is the busiest time for tea farmers in a year .

  3. 通过分析,作者认为加入WTO后,在政府宏观调控方面应实施积极的农业政策,增加对茶业科研、推广体系的投入,加强对茶农和茶叶企业的培训。

    In summary , the author believed that active agricultural policies must be put into effect with government macro-regulation , increasing the financial budget to enhance tea scientific researches , popularizing and support training for tea farmers and enterprises ;

  4. 第7章应用Logit模型和多元回归模型,对影响福建茶农使用农药行为的因素进行实证分析。

    In Chapter 7 , factors impact the behavior of tea farmers from Fujian were analyzed empirically by applying Logit Model and Multiple Regression Model .

  5. 茶农们现在已经进行到了制茶的炒青阶段。

    The farmers are getting into the process of curing tea-leaves .

  6. 西湖龙井茶茶农标识产地防伪管理系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Anti-fake Original Label Management System

  7. 问题19.为什么肯尼亚的茶农决定种紫茶?

    Question 19.Why have tea farmers in Kenya decided to grow purple tea ?

  8. 茶农行为对茶叶安全性的影响分析

    Tea growers behavior 's impact on tea safety

  9. 福建安溪茶农闲暇生活及其质量实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Leisure Life of Tea Farmers in Anxi County of Fujian Province

  10. 第2章对茶农使用农药行为的相关文献进行综述。

    In Chapter 2 , Some literatures about tea farmers ' application of pesticides were listed .

  11. 如要制成乌龙茶,茶农需要在叶子稍干一些后,将其捣碎、揉捻,在这之后再烘焙烹熟便可大功告成。

    An oolong results when the leaves are dried a little , bruised and only then cooked .

  12. 当茶农购买农药时最先考虑的因素是防治效果时,农药使用次数是最多的。

    When the first consideration of tea farmers buying pesticide was prevention effect , the using times was the most .

  13. 茶农使用农药行为影响因素实证研究&以福建省为例

    Empirical research on the impact factors of tea farmers ′ use of pesticide & Taking Fujian Province as a case

  14. 带动了私人添置加工机械,促进了竞争,使茶农从中受益。

    Promoted the private sector to use machineries to process organic tea and the competition , which benefit the tea growers .

  15. 第6章基于问卷调查数据,对影响福建茶农使用农药行为的因素进行描述性分析。

    On the basis of questionnaire data , descriptive analyses about factors impact the behavior of tea farmers from Fujian were given in Chapter 6 .

  16. 茶农为实现利润最大化,在茶叶生产中,为保证产量,包括农药在内的生产资料投入也相应增加。

    To maximize the profit and guarantee the quality , during tea processing , the means of production ( including pesticide ) were also increased .

  17. 正欲动身之际,就听到响彻山谷的警报声,这是给当地茶农开始一天劳作的信号。

    Just before we leave , a siren screams out across the valley , a signal to the local tea workers that work is to begin .

  18. 我们问到他的职业时,他说自己是一名茶农,而且,我还从事采矿爆破方面的工作。

    We ask what he does for a living and he says he 's a tea planter and , I also deal in explosives for mining .

  19. 农药残留检测的次数越多,茶农使用农药的道德风险越大,茶农使用农药次数越少。

    The more frequently pesticide residue was detected , the greater moral risk for using pesticide tea farmers ran , the less often tea farmers used pesticide .

  20. 第五章不同垂直协作模式的绩效考察。基于实地调查数据,从茶农收入角度考察鲜茶叶交易不同垂直协作模式的绩效。

    Based on field survey data , from the standpoint of tea farmers ' income , this chapter investigates fresh tea transaction performance of different vertical collaborative model .

  21. 目前湖南省武陵山区的茶叶生产已成为山区茶农的主要收入来源和农村重要的支柱产业。

    At present , tea production in Wuling Mountain area has contributed to the major incomes of tea growers and has been the mainstay industry of tea districts .

  22. 采用《茶农行为与茶叶安全性》调查问卷,初步探讨了茶农采用安全农药的影响因素。

    S : The factors influencing tea growers ' usage of safety chemicals are obtained from a specific questionnaire survey of tea growers ' behavior and tea safety .

  23. 而且从绝对量上来看,收入与投资又是相互促进的,因此,当前增加茶农收入至关重要。

    In additions , income and investment interact with each other in absolute amounts . As such , increasing the tea farmers ' income are all-important at present . 2 .

  24. 采用对比分析方法,对有机茶的茶农间作模式与常规单一种茶模式进行能流、经济流比较分析。

    Analysis of energy folw and economic flow in the intercropping organic tea crop pattern and the cropping single tea pattern is carried out by contrastive analysis method in the article .

  25. 在外部环境特征方面,包括茶农是否加入农民合作社以及政府主要相关部门在茶农地理标志茶叶生产中发挥的作用。

    For The external environment characteristics , including whether or not tea farmers join the farmer cooperatives and the role relevant government departments has played on producing of geographical indication Huangshan teas .

  26. 已成功获得茶叶地理标志注册的茶叶公用品牌对消费者、茶叶企业、茶农、地方经济发展都有重要作用,可以实现多方共赢,是一笔巨大的无形资产。

    Common Brand of Tea , which have been successfully registered by geographical indication , is very important for the customers , tea enterprises , tea growers and the development of local economy .

  27. 茶农先将新叶和嫩芽从一株株茶树上采摘下来,然后把它们摊开来放置,以便晾干,而摊放时间的长短则取决于要制作的茶的类型。

    After the new leaves and buds have been plucked from a bush , they are laid out to dry . How long they lie again depends on the kind of tea intended .

  28. 以福建省安溪县茶农问卷调查数据为基础,利用双对数模型对茶农投资行为的影响因素进行计量分析。

    On basis of the survey data of farmers in Anxi County , Fujian Province , this paper establishes the double logarithmic model and analyzes the affecting factors of the tea farmers'investment behavior .

  29. 最后根据评价结果分析各等级适宜地空间分布,并提出都匀毛尖茶种植业布局建议,从而为政府、企业和茶农提供科学决策依据。

    At last it also analyzed the space distribution of each type of the suitable land , and offered proposal for the government , the enterprise , and farmers ' imformation at making scientific decision .

  30. 茶农对绿色或无公害农药的了解越多,对农药残留对人体健康的危害认识越深,购买的意愿越强。

    The more tea farmers knew about Green Tea or Nuisance-Free Tea , the deeper they recognized the harmfulness of pesticide residue to human health , and the more strongly they were willing to buy .