
  • 网络tea scoop
  1. 如果你发觉白开水喝起来味淡而无味,那么花草茶则是一个很好的替代品。

    If you find water too plain for drinking , herbal tea is a good substitute .

  2. 茶则是另外一回事。

    Tea is a different matter .

  3. 其他种类的茶叶都在收获不久之后饮用,但普洱茶则不同,年岁越久,口感更佳。

    Unlike other types of tea , which are consumed not long after harvest , Pu'er tastes better with age .

  4. 伊丽莎白的下午茶则比较温和,通常是一杯香草酒以及诸如巧克力饼干蛋糕一类的甜点。

    Her Majesty 's afternoon tea has a tamer vibe ; she usually selects a simple herbal drink and a dessert , such as pie or chocolate biscuit cake .

  5. 原料香气成分主要以萜烯醇类为主,渥堆发酵结束后,出堆香气中醇类,醛类,酮类大量减少,酚类少量增加,出堆茶则以甲氧基苯类和萜烯类为主。

    Raw materials mainly terpene alcohols aroma components , after the result of the pile fermentation , the appearance of the pile of aroma substantial reduction in alcohols , aldehydes , ketones , phenols , have slightly increased with a pile of tea with methoxy benzene and terpenes .

  6. 法庭之外,该法的支持者挥动着印刷整洁的海报,茶党则摇晃着他们字迹潦草、充满怒气的横幅。

    Outside the court , supporters waved their neatly printed posters and tea-partiers waved their scrawled , angry ones .

  7. 维生素B6可以提升人的认知能力,茶氨酸则可以减轻咖啡因带来的焦虑现象。

    B6 helps aid cognitive function , while theanine helps reduce the anxiety associated with a pure caffeine buzz .

  8. 茶多酚制品则是从茶叶中提取的多酚类物质。

    Tea polyphenol product is extracted from tea .

  9. 但是他们中的大部分人,包括参议院共和党领导人米奇·麦康奈尔在内均表示,他们不会支持克鲁兹所做的努力,而其他茶党人士则支持保守派,同意这份临时开支法案。

    But in number of them , including senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell , say they will not support the effort by Cruz and other TEA party backed conservatives to hold up the stopgap spending bill .

  10. 它是在袋茶的一端绑上了一个纸船,而袋茶则像锚一样沉在杯中。即使是袋茶也会因为这样的设计顿时品味倍增。

    A tiny paper boat is tied to the tea bag which will sink in the hot water like an anchor , purpose to improve the interest .

  11. 然而,茶是一种饮品,是一个具体的存在,茶文化则是一种文化象征,代表着一种内涵与文明,茶文化的教学是对外汉语文化教学内容的组成部分之一。

    However , tea is a beverage , is a concrete presence , tea culture is indeed a cultural symbol , represents a meaning and civilization , tea culture became an integral part of teaching Chinese as a foreign language teaching content .