
cǎo chú líng
  • benazolin;Legumez extra;Tricornox
草除灵[cǎo chú líng]
  1. 葡萄糖共基质代谢对除草剂草除灵废水的可生物降解特性的影响

    Research on the biodegradation of benazolin wastewater added with glucose

  2. 利用瓦勃式微量呼吸检压仪对有机杂环类除草剂&草除灵的废水的可生物降解性进行快速测定,并对添加葡萄糖基质的废水共基质代谢进行生物降解特性研究。

    Rapid determination of the biodegradation by Warburg - respire - instrument and cometabolism of the wastewater added with glucose has been researched in this experiment .

  3. 对广灭灵、乙草胺、草除灵、草长灭等除草剂导致油菜药害的发生发展过程、症状特征进行了描述,提出了预防和补救措施。

    The article describes the occurrence and develop course and features of symptom of the rape injury caused by some herbicides such as the clomazone , acetochlor , benazolin and carbetamide , ect , and puts forward to the measures of prevention and remedy .