
hūn xīng
  • meat or fish
荤腥 [hūn xīng]
  • [meat or fish] 鱼、肉等食品

荤腥[hūn xīng]
  1. 亚斯明坚持不沾一点儿荤腥。

    Yasmin sticks to a strict vegetarian diet

  2. 不要给我东西,我不吃荤腥。

    Don 't offer me anything I don 't eat dinner .

  3. 许多年轻人开始不食荤腥。

    A lot of young people are moving away from eating meat .

  4. 你知道我是不吃荤腥的。

    You know that I don 't eat dinner .

  5. 他们再也没有吃过一点荤腥。

    They never ate another animal 's carcass .

  6. 他这个奇怪的癖好在小的时候就已经形成了,他称自己吃饭可以没有荤腥,但绝对不能没有辣。

    His strange habit formed when he was a youngster when he says he could go without meat or eggs but could not do without spiciness .

  7. 还有,有45%的受访者称他们在工作日的午餐一般很健康,不过也有30%的人称他们在工作日的午餐荤腥、油腻。

    Fortunately , 45 per cent of those quizzed said their typical weekday lunch is ' quite fresh ' , but 30 per cent described their work lunches as ' fatty ' and ' greasy ' .
