
yíng guāng cè dìng fǎ
  • fluorimetry;fluorometry;fluorometric assay
  1. 绒毛β-1,4葡萄糖苷酶的特性及其荧光测定法

    The Character and Fluorimetry of β - glucosidase on Chorionic Villi

  2. 它类似于前面讨论过的荧光测定法。

    This is similar to fluorimetry as previously discussed .

  3. 用免疫微球荧光测定法检验C1型葡萄球菌肠毒素的研究

    Application of immunofluorescent assays with microspheres in the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin c_1

  4. 蔬菜、干鲜果品和饮料中总维生素C的荧光测定法

    Determination of Total Vitamin C Content in Vegetables , Fruits and Beverages by Fluorometric Method

  5. 荧光测定法检测肝脏三磷酸腺苷(ATP)含量。

    The content of ATP of liver was measured by fluorometry .

  6. 方法将IgE的浓度与抗IgE的浓度按不同的比例进行组合,用微量HA荧光测定法观察各配对组对人血细胞中嗜碱粒细胞(basophils,BOS)释放HA的影响。

    Methods To observe the effect of different concentration of IgE and anti - IgE on HA releasing with fluorescence way .

  7. 目的探讨荧光测定法测定滤纸片干血斑标本G6PD酶活性的可靠性。

    Objective : To investigate the credibility of quantitive fluorometric assay for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase ( G6PD ) activity in dried blood spot specimens on filter paper .

  8. 采用Caspase-3荧光测定法检测Caspase-3活性,WESTERNBLOTTING法分析JNK活性,同时分析Caspase抑制剂z-VAD-FMK对Caspase-3、JNK活性的影响。

    Effects of etoposide and the caspase inhibitor , z-VAD-FMK , on JNK and caspase-3 activity were determined , respectively , by using western blotting and a caspase-3 Fluorometric Assay Kit .

  9. 血浆儿茶酚胺荧光测定法氧化铝吸附葡聚糖凝胶G-10分离纯化

    Method for Determination of Plasma Catecholamine

  10. 结论荧光测定法定量测定G6PD酶活性准确性高、简单、快捷、费用低廉,可对滤纸片干血斑标本进行G6PD缺乏症的大规模筛查,适于在G6PD缺乏高发区推广应用。

    Conclusion : The fluorometric assay is an accurate , high-throughout , quantitive and simple method for G6PD activity testing . It is very favorable to employ in high incidence districts of G6PD deficiency .

  11. 人体胃粘膜组织中过氧化脂质的荧光测定法

    The measure of LPO in human gastric mucosa by fluorescence method

  12. 抗坏血酸快速微量荧光测定法研究

    Determination of total ascorbic acid in food using rapid microfluorometric method

  13. 微量钨的荧光测定法

    A Fluorometric Method for Determination of Tungsten in Trace Quantities

  14. 动物肝脏中维生素A荧光测定法的改进

    The fluorometry improvement of measuring vitamin A in animal liver

  15. 目的:建立奥沙普嗪肠溶胶囊的荧光测定法。

    To establish fluorescent method for the determination of oxaprozin enteric-coated capsules .

  16. 钕玻璃激光放大器反转粒子数的荧光测定法

    Fluorescence Measuring Method of Population Inversion of Nd : Glass Laser Amplifer

  17. 正常及高硒地区人尿中总硒含量的荧光测定法

    Fluorometric Determination of Total Selenium in Human Urine in Normal and Seleniferous Areas

  18. 猪肾中砷的氢化物发生原子荧光测定法

    Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry in Determining Arsenic Hydride in the Pig Kidneys

  19. 水处理剂聚氯化铝中砷的原子荧光测定法

    Determination of Arsenic in Water Treatment Agent Polyaluminium Chloride by Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry

  20. 用于高通量筛选蛋白酶的氨基酸间接荧光测定法

    Determination of amino acid by indirect fluorimetry for high flux screening of protease

  21. 植物中硒的分离和微波消解鄄原子荧光测定法

    Speciation Analysis of Selenium in Plant Samples by Microwave-Assisted Digestion-Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry

  22. 血浆和组织中皮质酮的荧光测定法

    Spectrofluorometric determination of corticosterone in plasma and tissue

  23. 牛乳母乳中微量硒的荧光测定法

    Methods of fluorimetric determination of trace amount of selenium in milk and breast milk

  24. 饮用水中砷、锑的氢化物发生&原子荧光测定法

    Determination of Arsenic and Antimony in Drinking Water by Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry

  25. 香烟中尼古丁的荧光素-碱性藏花红能量转移体系荧光测定法

    Method for Determination of Nicotine in Cigarettes by Fluorescein and Fluorimetry-Basic Possession of Bonuses System

  26. 粮食、血中痕量硒蛋氨酸的溴化氰&荧光测定法

    Method of Cyanogen Bromide Fluorimetry Determination of Trace Amount of Selenomethionine in Grain and Blood

  27. 方法:应用荧光测定法进行体外酶活性测定。

    Method : Fluorometric assay was used for test the activity of the enzyme in vitro .

  28. 方法菌体内药物蓄积量和主动外排的作用采用荧光测定法;

    Methods Fluoroquinolone accumulation in bacteria and the effect of active efflux were measured by a fluorescence method .

  29. 人体脾脏组织中因子Ⅷ相关抗原定位的探讨&Ⅰ.间接免疫荧光测定法

    Study on the localization of factor VIII related antigen in human splenic tissue ⅰ . using indirect immunofluorescent detection

  30. 饮水中铅砷汞硒的断续流动氢化物发生原子荧光测定法

    Determination of Lead , Arsenic , Mercury and Selenium in Drinking Water by Intermittent Flow Hydride Generation Atomic Fluorescence Spectrophotometry