
qián má; xún má
  • nettle;nettle fibre
荨麻 [xún má]
  • (1) [nettle]∶荨麻科,尤其是荨麻属的植物,遍体多刺或接触它们会感到针刺般疼痛

  • (2) [nettle fibre]∶该植物的纤维

荨麻[qián má; xún má]
  1. 荨麻长有四方茎和细小茸毛。

    The stinging nettle has a square stem and little hairs .

  2. 她不是一朵香气扑鼻的玫瑰花,但至少是可以握在手里的荨麻。

    She mightn 't be inhaled as a rose , but she might be grasped as a nettle .

  3. 小心给荨麻扎着——荨麻有刺!

    Be careful of the nettles ─ they sting !

  4. 没想到荨麻这么好吃——很像菠菜,但带了点甜味。

    Nettles are surprisingly good — much like spinach but with a sweetish taste .

  5. 荨麻扎了他们的腿。

    The nettles stung their legs .

  6. 我坐过在荨麻上的那个部位觉得刺痛

    I tingle where I sat in the nettles .

  7. [结论]对具有治疗BPH作用的荨麻属植物进行深入的药效物质基础及作用机理研究具有重大意义。

    [ Conclusion ] It is very important to study the substantial basis and mechanism of Urtica plants which showed better effects on the treatment of BPH .

  8. 异株荨麻(Urticadioica)是一种多年生草本植物,多年来,人类在其药用价值方面进行了大量的研究工作。

    Stinging nettle ( Urtica dioica ) is a perennial plant .

  9. 狭叶荨麻(Urticaangustifolia)是一种一年或多年生,可药可食的传统野生草本植物。

    Urtica angustifolia is an annual or perennial and can be medicine , edible traditional wild herbaceous herbs .

  10. 河南荨麻科(Urticaceae)一些类群的订正它不属于正规植物分类学的分类阶元的范畴。

    Revision of some taxa of Urticaceae from Henan It falls outside the scope of the formal taxonomic categories .

  11. Belif将推出21款产品,包括一款匈牙利水润精华、一款含有10种草药成份的精华液、一款含有紫草成分的True润泽炸弹霜,以及True补水炸弹霜,后者具有凝胶质地,含有斗蓬草和荨麻叶成分。

    Belif will launch with 21 products , including Hungarian water essence , a serum made with 10 herbs ; the True cream moisturizing bomb which contains comfrey leaf , and the True cream aqua bomb , which has a gel-like consistency and contains Lady 's Mantle and nettle leaf .

  12. 现在已经70多岁的Rattazzo依然在酒吧柜台后工作,在荨麻酒(Chartreuse)和阿贝罗酒(Aperol)酒瓶之间穿梭忙碌。

    Now in his 70s , Rattazzo still works behind the counter , flanked by bottles of Chartreuse and Aperol .

  13. 是荨麻科(Urticaceae)苎麻属(Boehmeria)多年生宿根性草本植物,也是我国的特产,在世界上素有中国草的美誉。

    , special product of China and named " China grass " is a herbaceous perennid which belongs to urticaceae family , boehmeria genus .

  14. 但不知为何是凯特被荨麻给刺伤了。

    But somehow it was Kat that got stung by nettles .

  15. 小丫头,你曾对荨麻说过什么?

    Girl , what have you been saying to the nettle .

  16. 谎言似荨麻,玩弄会刺手。

    Falsehood like a nettle stings those who meddle with it .

  17. 四川药用荨麻的种类与分布

    The Species and the Distribution of Officinal Nettles in Sichuan Province

  18. 天目山荨麻科一种浙江新记录&宽叶荨麻

    A New Record of Urticaceae Plant in Tianmu Mountain of Zhejiang

  19. 爱情是美丽的花园,结婚是长荨麻的田野。

    Love is fair garden and marriage a field of nettles .

  20. 有机酸成分是荨麻是荨麻属植物主要抗炎活性成分之一。

    Organic acid was one of anti-inflammation active component in Urtica plant .

  21. 目的:弄清四川药用荨麻的资源情况。

    Objective : To study the resource of officinal nettles in Sichuan .

  22. 刺用或好象用荨麻刺。

    To sting with or as if with a nettle .

  23. 轻握荨麻者最快被刺。

    He who handles a nettle tenderly is soonest stung .

  24. 我坐下的时候被一些荨麻刺痛了。

    I stung myself on some nettles as I was sitting down .

  25. 荨麻蛱蝶核型多角体病毒在病虫脂肪体中的形态发生

    Morphogenesis of Vanessa urticae Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus in Infected Fat Body Cells

  26. 双子叶植物的一个目,包含桑科、荨麻科和榆科。

    An order of dicotyledonous plants including Moraceae and Urticaceae and Ulmaceae .

  27. 湖南楼梯草属(荨麻科)的分类与分布

    The Classification and Distribution of Elatostema ( Urticaceae ) in Hunan , China

  28. 一年生欧洲荨麻,有带刺的叶子和绿花组成的花串。

    Annual European nettle with stinging foliage and small clusters of green flowers .

  29. 土壤含水量对异株荨麻光合特性也有显著的影响作用。

    The photosynthetic characteristics were also affected significantly by different soil water stress .

  30. 我想然后是荨麻酒,弗维奥。

    The chartreuse then , I think , fulvio .