
  • 网络post-marketing drug assessment
  1. 目的:了解双黄连注射剂的不良反应发生率、发生类型及其发生率和构成,以及不良反应的相关因素,并初步探索药品上市后再评价的方法。

    Objects : To investigate the adverse drug reactions ( ADRs ) incidence rates of shuanghuanglian ( SHL ) injection , the ADRs types , the frequence of each type and the relevant influence factors of the ADRs , and to further explore a feasible post-marketing reevaluation method of drugs .

  2. 循证医学与药品上市后的再评价

    Evidence based medicine playing an important role in post-marketing evaluation

  3. 药品呼唤上市后再评价

    The Post-marketing Drugs call For Reevaluation

  4. 结果药物经济学可为临床合理用药、临床药学服务、药品的采购与贮存、制剂的研制与开发、药品上市后的再评价等提供决策依据。

    Results To provide decision-making gist for advisable utilization of drug , pharmaceutical care , procuring and storing of drug , studying and developing of preparations , revaluation of drug on sale and so on .