
  1. 在采购管理子系统的数据库分析和设计中,结合药品经营管理系统的应用实际,使用UML进行了分析和建模,建立数据库模型图,最后生成了数据库。

    In the analysis and design of database for purchase , using UML to analyze and model , achieve the database model chart , and establish the database .

  2. 接下来结合药品经营管理系统的实际要求,对系统进行了总体设计。

    Combining with the real requirement of the drug management system , the overall structure and function of the system are designed .

  3. 本文运用先进的开发平台和数据库技术,开发一个基于ASP.NET的药品经营管理平台。

    This paper introduces the development of a drug management system based on ASP . NET , using advanced development platform and database technology .

  4. 药品经营管理系统的实现包括了药品经营企业日常业务功能,如采购管理、出入库管理、销售管理等,并且界面简单,操作方便。

    The implement of drug management system consists of everyday business function of drug managing enterprises . The system has basic function such as purchasing management , in-out warehouse management , sales management and so on . Moreover , it shows simple interface and processing convenience .

  5. 前言:目的了解通过《药品经营质量管理规范》(GSP)认证后药品经营企业的现状。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the status quo of the drug handling enterprises that passed GSP authentication .

  6. 加强GSP认证后药品经营企业管理问题的研究

    Reinforce GSP attestation queen medicines and chemical reagents manage business administration problem go into

  7. 高职高专生物制药专业(药品经营与管理方向)课程建设的探索

    Explores of the Curriculum Construction in Bio-pharmacy Major of the Higher Professional Education

  8. 从中外药品经营质量管理规范之比较分析我国药品零售企业的发展趋势

    Analysis on the Trend of the Development of Chinese Drug Retailing by Comparing Chinese Good Supply Practice ( GSP ) with Those of the Foreign Countries

  9. 随着现代物流的发展,医药物流的模式势必发生重大变化,国家有关药品经营的管理规定应当进行必要的调整和完善。

    Along with the development of modern logistics , the mode of pharmaceutical logistics certainly will change greatly , and the national regulations related to drug distribution management should be adjusted and perfected .

  10. 药品经营企业质量管理的文书档案

    Archives of Quality Control in the Drug Marketing Enterprises

  11. 药品批发企业经营管理混乱是药品购销渠道混乱的重要原因之一。

    The confused marketing management of drug wholesaler is a vital factor for disordered drug marketing channels .

  12. 前言:目的:借鉴美国药店的经营策略,为我国的药品零售经营、管理者提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To draw experience form American regarding drugstore management strategies for the reference of Chinese pharmaceutical retailers .

  13. 论我国药品零售业连锁经营管理的法规建设

    Discussion on the Laws and Regulations Construction in the Management of Retail Pharmacy Chain

  14. 政府对医药卫生事业的管理效果不佳,从整个卫生服务体系到医疗服务,到药品生产经营,政府管理的效果越来越差。

    The administrative effect of the medical care and public health is not good . The whole health service system , including medical service and medicines , the administrative effect is worse and worse . 4 .

  15. 第五十三条违反本法关于药品生产、药品经营的管理的其他规定的,处以警告或者罚款。

    A violation of any other provision of this law in relation to the administration of drug production or handling will be punished by a caution or by a fine .

  16. 目前,随着动物药品销售行业《药品经营质量管理规范》的强制实施,动物药品连锁企业将是动物药品销售行业的发展趋势。

    Now , with the enforcement of sales of animal medicines industry Good Supplying Practice ( GSP ), animal drug chain will be the sale of animal medicines industry trends .

  17. 有质量检测中心、验收养护室、中药标本室,目前已通过国家药品监督管理局《药品经营质量管理规范》验收。

    Quality Inspection Center , Room acceptance conservation , medicine specimen room , has passed a State Drug Authority " medicine quality control " Acceptance .

  18. 药品经营企业必须按照国务院药品监督管理部门依据本法制定的《药品经营质量管理规范》经营药品。

    Drug distributors shall conduct business according to the Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Productsset by the drug regulatory agency of the State Council based on this Law .

  19. 我们应完善现行的法规,增加有关跨地域连锁经营、药品电子商务等方面的法规,形成药品零售业连锁经营管理的法规体系。

    It is important to perfect the current law and rules , add rules of chain trans-management , chain affiliation , merger , association , cooperation , drug electronic commerce , etc , and to form the system of chain management rules for Chinese pharmaceutical retail commerce .

  20. 对药品零售业连锁经营现行的法律法规进行汇总和分析。提出完善我国药品零售业连锁经营管理法律法规的建议。

    This paper provides suggestions of laws and regulations construction in the management of retail pharmacy chain on the basis of collection and analysis of the current chain management law and rules of Chinese pharmaceutical retail commerce .