
  • 网络Drug quality;Medicines quality;GSP;PQM
  1. 大湄公河地区药品质量监控(DrugQualityMonitoringinGreaterMekongSubregion):该计划为《湄公河下游倡议》国家提供支持,以控制和监管假冒和伪劣药品。

    Drug Quality Monitoring in Greater Mekong Subregion : This program provides support to Lower Mekong Initiative countries for the control and regulation of counterfeit and substandard medicines .

  2. 应用TQC方法加强医院药房的药品质量管理

    Application of TQC Method to Strengthen the Drug Quality Control in Hospital Pharmacy

  3. 实行GMP是为了保证药品质量。

    The implementation of GMP is for assuring the quality of drugs .

  4. HPLC-ESI-ITMS在药品质量控制中确证胰岛素和胰岛素B链C端氨基酸序列的应用研究

    Application of HPLC-ESI-ITMS in the quality control of carboxyterminal sequence confirmation for insulin and insulin chain B

  5. 药监局也迅速地建立了一整套机制来确保药品质量,这包括强制推行GMP认证和废除地方药物标准,统一药物审批权。

    The agency rapidly set up mechanisms to ensure adherence to drug standards , including enforcing good manufacturing practice and centralising drug approvals .

  6. ICHQ10是药品质量体系的模型,可以被运用于产品周期的不同阶段。

    ICH Q10 is a model for a pharmaceutical quality system that can be implemented throughout the different stages of a product lifecycle .

  7. GMP是国家发布的强制性药品质量管理规范,BPR是目前比较前沿的管理理论。

    GMP is a forceful system of criterion set up by the country to guide the quality of medicine , while BPR is an advanced management theory at present .

  8. 本文应用tqc方法,对影响该医院药房的药品质量的诸因素进行了分析。

    In this paper the method of TQC was used to analyze various factors that effect drug quality in hospital pharmacy .

  9. 但是随着我国制药行业的快速发展,现行GMP已不能完全满足国家进一步提升药品质量及安全监管水平的需要,甚至成为制药企业深度参与国际医药市场竞争的客观障碍。

    But with the rapid development of Chinese pharmaceutical industry , the current GMP can not meet improve the safety and quality of medicine produces , and even become a barrier for China pharmaceutical enterprises deeply participating international marketing competition .

  10. 在对药品质量的控制中运用PDCA循环法分析了药品质量缺陷的原因,并制定和实施了相应对策,保证了医院药品质量安全。

    The PDCA circulation method was used to study the cause of vicious quality of drug in hospital , and a series of measures were practised to aim directly at administration safety in order to ensure the safety of drug quality before administration .

  11. 摘要论文探讨了jalis二期特色数据库子项目《中外药品质量标准数据库》的建设背景与意义、数据库的内容与结构、数据库的元数据分析及数据库平台选择等相关问题。

    This paper discusses the construction background and significance of Chinese and foreign drug quality standard database , which is the sub-project of JALIS characteristic databases in second stage , as long as its content and structure , metadata analysis , platform choice and so on .

  12. 《中外药品质量标准数据库》建设与研究

    Construction and research of Chinese and Foreign Drug Quality Standard Database

  13. 浅谈规范药品质量标准管理的体会

    Discussion about the Understandings of the Control over the Drug Standards

  14. 药品质量风险管理中超趋势数据的处理

    Management of Out of Trend Data in Drug Quality Risk Management

  15. 溶出度试验在药品质量控制中的应用

    The research and application of dissolution test in drug quality control

  16. 以农村基层为重点切实加强药品质量监督管理

    Strengthening Drug Quality Management with Stress Laid on the Rural Units

  17. 灌装液体药品质量的机器视觉检测与识别

    Machine vision detection and recognition of quality of filling liquid medicine

  18. 它是唯一的全球性药品质量保证规划。

    It is the only global medicines quality assurance programme .

  19. 加强中药房管理确保药品质量

    Enhancing Management of Traditional Chinese Pharmacy and Ensuring Medicine Quality

  20. 制药设备质量直接影响药品质量。

    The quality of pharmaceutical equipment will influence the medicine quality directly .

  21. 药品质量信息处理系统的研制与实践

    Development and Practice of the Information Processing System for Quality of Drugs

  22. 美国药品质量安全控制趋势分析及对我国的启示

    Trend Analysis on American Drug Quality Control and Its Enlightenment in China

  23. 药物杂质与药品质量、安全性及效能密切相关,杂质控制在药物开发研究中的重要性越来越受到重视。

    The impurity is related to the quality , safety and efficacy .

  24. 浅论社会性规制的理论依据&兼论我国政府对食品与药品质量规制制度

    The Theoretical Foundation of Social Regulation - Food and Drug Quality Regulation

  25. 中国银杏药品质量标准体系的建立及规范的实践

    Establishment and Practice of Quality Standard System for Chinese Ginkgo Medicinal Products

  26. 目的:探讨制订医疗机构药品质量管理规范。

    OBJECTIVE : To discuss drug quality management practice in medical institutions .

  27. 药品质量标准中的安全性检查进展

    Progress in abnormal toxicity safety test about the quality standard of drugs

  28. 推行WHO推荐的化学药物基础测试方法加强基层药品质量监督管理

    Carrying Out Basic Testing Method for the Chemical Drugs Recommended by WHO and

  29. 分离纯化方法对微生物药品质量控制的影响

    Influence of separation and purification method upon the quality control of microbial medicines

  30. 目的确保药品质量检测的准确性。

    OBJECTIVE : To guarantee the accuracy of quality examination in pharmaceutical preparations .