
  • 网络drug reaction;ADR;drug response
  1. 微生物感染,某些恶性肿瘤,一些药物反应或某些内分泌紊乱都可以与发热有关。

    Infection by microorganisms , certain malignant tumors , some drug reactions , certain endocrine disorders can all be associated with fever .

  2. 通过分析吉西他滨敏感性个体细胞在蛋白质峰表达上的区别,找到影响药物反应程度的关键蛋白质峰,有利于个体化用药。

    Gemcitabine sensitivity by analyzing the individual cells in the protein expression differences between the peak to find the key to the degree of protein drug reactions peaks , is conducive to individual drugs .

  3. 我们仔细绘出了每个病人对这种药物反应的图表。

    We carefully plotted each patient 's response to the drug on a chart .

  4. 人群中DNA存在多态性,与药物反应相关的基因多态性可能产生药物效应的个体差异,例如药物代谢酶、药物作用受体以及其它一些与疾病相关基因等。

    Polymorphisms exist in human genomic DNA . And some polymorphisms such as metabolic enzymes , drug receptors , and some other genes correlated with diseases may affect the drug responsiveness .

  5. 基于TopI基因序列与细胞药物反应的分析,证实喜树碱对甜菜夜蛾TopI的多水平影响建立在转录水平上而不是在复制水平上。

    Based on gene sequence and cell responses to those camptothecin-derived drugs , we proposed that the multiple effects of camptothecin on Top I of Spodoptera exigua were regulated in a transcription-related manner rather than in a replication-related manner .

  6. UIP并肺纤维化是药物反应性肺损伤的常见表现。

    UIP with lung fibrosis is a common pattern of drug-related lung injury .

  7. 目的:研究具有抗血管生成作用的药物反应停对Lewis肺癌小鼠皮下移植瘤和肺转移瘤的作用,并探讨其与肿瘤细胞凋亡的关系。

    Objective : To study on anti angiogenesis effect of thalidomide on mice bearing Lewis lung cancer cells and investigate the relationship between the drug and the apoptosis of tumor cells or tumor cell cycle .

  8. 如果有害的药物反应报告表明医药产品利益-风险平衡有变化,EMEA会采取合理的措施。

    The EMEA takes appropriate actions if adverse drug reaction reports suggest changes to the benefit-risk balance of a medicinal product .

  9. 眼底血管荧光造影术药物反应6例分析

    Analysis of Medicine Reaction of Fluorescence Angiography in 6 Cases

  10. 结膜下注射环孢霉素A微粒体的药物反应性

    Experimental studies on drug reaction of cyclosporine A-containing microspheres after subconjunctival injection

  11. 碘油胶丸常用剂量的药物反应观察

    An observation on the pharmaceutical reaction of conventional dosage of the iodipin capsule

  12. 给以人参水煎剂观察药物反应。

    The aqueous extract of Panax was administered to rats to observe pharmic reactions .

  13. 约翰身上发生的药物反应使我们惊惶不已。

    We were alarmed at the way in which John reacted to the drug .

  14. 克隆将作为致畸高手,与不安全药物反应停一样,臭名远扬。

    Cloning would join the unsafe drug Thalidomide in the teratogenic hall of infamy .

  15. 药物反应个体差异是临床药物治疗中常见的普遍现象。

    Individual difference of drug reaction is a common phenomenon in clinical drug use .

  16. 肢端肥大症患者垂体生长激素细胞对多巴胺能药物反应异常的研究

    Studies on the Abnormal Response of Pituitary Somatotroph to Dopaminergic Drugs in Patients with Acromegaly

  17. 结论:PHT3天疗程法可以充分地预防蛛网膜下腔出血患者癫痫发作,且药物反应显著下降。

    CONCLUSION : A3-day regimen of PHT prophylaxis is adequate to prevent seizures in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients .

  18. 和恶心一样,呕吐的病因如晕动病、药物反应、内耳疾病、头颅损伤等。

    Causes include illness , motion sickness , certain drugs , inner ear disorders , and head injury .

  19. 微生物及其宿主的全部药物反应(药理组)可用基因组或蛋白质组的方法检出。

    Global drug responses ( pharmacomes ) in microbes and their host can be detected by genomic and proteomic approaches .

  20. 试验中密切观察患者的症状及生命体征,出现阳性反应及时处理,鉴别药物反应及阳性反应;

    Close observation of symbol and life signs , timely treatment of positive response , distinguishing the positive response and drug response ;

  21. 引起药物反应个体差异的原因很多,有性别、年龄、体重、伴随的疾病等,遗传因素是十分重要的一个因素。

    The reasons include gender , age , weight and accompanied diseases and so on , among them , genetic factors is very important .

  22. 这些应该能解释女性更能承受常时间疼痛的原因以及为什么会有对鸦片类镇痛药物反应的性别差异。

    This would explain why women can suffer long-term pain more , and why there can be sex differences in response to opium-derived painkilling drugs .

  23. 这些信息改变着人们对基因是如何影响疾病发展和药物反应的认识,有助于新疗法的开发。

    Such information is changing the understanding of how genetics influences disease development and drug response , and contributing to the discovery of new treatments .

  24. 应用基因组和蛋白组学大规模鉴定危险因素特征使得我们可以鉴别不同类型的患者对哪些药物反应最好。

    Large-scale risk-factor profiling using genomic and proteomic screens may make it possible to identify subgroups of patients who stand to benefit from particular drugs or drug combinations .

  25. 对于事物或事件错误的或扭曲的看法,同时坚信这些看法的真实性,它主要产生于精神错乱或药物反应。

    False or distorted perception of objects or events with a compelling sense of their reality , usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug .

  26. 方法:收集38例采用盖诺联合顺铂治疗的晚期非小细胞肺癌患者临床资料,对化疗期间的药物反应及护理措施作总结分析。

    Methods : The medical records collected of 38 patients with advanced NSCLC cured by Vinorelbine combined with Cisplatin , the pharmaceutical reactions and the nursing measures adopted during chemotherapy were retrospectively reviewed .

  27. 从对药物反应有关的变量中分析出基因多样性或遗传标志与药物反应表型的连续性的和预测性的联系可能是将来的一项不可能完成的任务。

    Separating a consistent , predictive association between a SNP or other genetic marker and a drug response phenotype from all the other variables that play into drug response can be next to impossible .

  28. 现时吸烟者并未清楚显示出发生癫痫的高风险,该病以非如药物反应等具体原因引起癫痫反复发作为特征。

    Current smokers did not clearly show a higher risk of developing epilepsy , a disorder marked by recurrent seizures that are not provoked by a specific cause , such as a reaction to a drug .

  29. 结果:3例患者在接受1次治疗后出现膝关节疼痛加重的表现,考虑为药物反应而停止继续使用,排除在观察范围内。

    RESULTS : Light swelling and knee joint ache becoming severe appeared after accepting one treatment in three patients , which might be the reason of drug reaction so that the usage was stopped , and were excluded the observation range .

  30. 目前该系统与人工检测相比,检测精度可达到90%,处理时间为0.7-0.9秒/张,为高效地检验果蝇一类受试对象的药物反应和新药品的适应性检测提出行之有效的新方法。

    Compared with manual inspection , the detection precision of this system has achieved 90 % and the processing time has been 0.7-0.9s/sheet . These will be a new effective method to test the drug reaction of the subject ( such as drosophila ) participated the experiment .