
hé yè bǐnɡ
  • thin pancakes
  1. 以荷叶饼、大葱、蒜、黄瓜条、甜面酱的佐食烤鸭,为最佳营养搭配。

    Combined with pancake , spring onions , garlic , cucumber and sweet sauce , roast duck meat tastes better and the nutrition is more balanced .

  2. 哦,有荷叶饼,空心芝麻烧饼,葱白,黄瓜和甜面酱.我来告诉你怎么吃。

    Oh , they are pancakes , hollowed sesame buns , scallions , cucumbers and hoisin sauce . I will show you how to make one .

  3. 全聚德在传统中餐饭店中处于相对高端的位置,其极富盛名的招牌菜北京烤鸭荷叶饼卷烤鸭薄片倍受游客青睐。

    Quanjude , a relatively higher-end traditional Chinese restaurant frequented by tourists , is famous for its Peking duck , or roasted duck that is sliced and eaten in a tortilla-like wrap .