
  • 网络lotus festival
  1. 汇聚绿色胜景游客常游常新&以天津水上公园荷花节为例

    Converging Green Landscape and Always New for Visitors & The Tianjin Water Park as an Example

  2. 首届荷花节以一场激动人心的开幕仪式拉开帷幕,超过500中荷花竞相怒放。

    The festival began with an exciting ceremony , and over 500 types of lotuses are featured .

  3. 周一杭州荷花节开幕,我们前来杭州欣赏令人惊艳的荷花花海。

    We stay in Hangzhou , for a stunning sea of lotus flowers at the first West Lake lotus festival , which kicked off on Monday .

  4. 六只装饰有荷花的船只载着游客穿梭于湖面上欣赏荷花。本届荷花节开放时间截止至6月31日。

    Six boats adorned with lotus flowers are also carrying visitors across the lake at the festival , which runs until July 31st .