
  • 网络water chestnut juice
  1. 荸荠汁澄清工艺

    Study on clarification of water chestnut juice

  2. 荸荠汁由于含有多种胶体微粒而呈浑浊态,影响其感官品质。

    The sensory quality of the water chestnut juice was influenced by its turbid state caused from colloidal granule .

  3. 维生素C荸荠汁对大鼠镉排出的影响

    Effects of Vitamin C and Eleocharis Dulcis on Cadmium Excretion in Mice

  4. 本文旨在研究荸荠汁澄清工艺,开发澄清的荸荠汁饮料。

    The new clarifying technique of the water chestnut juice was studied .

  5. 在正常果蝇培养基上每日添加荸荠汁,显著提高果蝇繁殖率,加速幼虫发育,增加成虫体重和身长。

    The treatment in which water chestnut juice was added into the medium of fruit fly every day increased the reproduction rate of the adult , improved the development of larvae and increased the body weight and length .