
mò ěr yuán
  • Mohr's circle
莫尔圆[mò ěr yuán]
  1. 莫尔圆与轴转动惯量、惯性积

    Mohr 's circle and axis moments of inertia , inertial product

  2. 莫尔圆法表征坐标中误差特性几何意义的探讨

    An Approach to the Geometrical Meaning of the Coordinate MSE with the Presentation of Mohr 's Circle

  3. 莫尔圆求解c、φ值的最佳拟合

    The Optimal Fitting Method for Computing c 、φ Using Circle of Mohr

  4. 所采用的一系列方法使单幅含CCD噪声图像的莫尔圆特征参数的定位精度达到亚象素级。

    The series of methods for recognizing of single image with CCD noise mixed have an accuracy of sub-pixel level .

  5. 阐述用方差协方差数据绘制莫尔圆(Mohr'sCircle),以及用莫尔圆表示点位误差椭圆各元素的方法。

    The paper describes the methods for drawing Mohr 's circles by using variance and covariance data and the various methods for the presentation of the elements of error ellipse of point positions with Mohr 's circle method .

  6. 莫尔圆图解法的改进

    Improvement of Graphic Method of Mohr 's Circles DIAGRAM THE MESH

  7. 岩石有限应变测量的莫尔圆图解网法

    Mohr ellipse diagram net methods of finite strain measurement

  8. 主剪应力的应力莫尔圆解法

    A method of the mohr 's stress circle about the main shearing stress

  9. 应力莫尔圆变化分析及其在典型液力塑性成形中的应用

    Analysis of the Changing of Mohr Circle and its Application in Typical Hydro Plastic Technology

  10. 文章提出应力复数、应变复数和惯性复数的概念,得到一个复数方程式,即复数莫尔圆方程。

    The concepts of stress complex number and strain complex number and inertia complex number are presented in this paper .

  11. 利用应力应变曲线峰值处的应力和应变值以及应力莫尔圆理论得到试样的抗剪强度参数。

    Using the peak values of the stress-strain curve , the shear strength parameters of the specimen were obtained by the Mohr circle theory .

  12. 在此基础上结合典型的液力塑性成形工艺,分别对液压无模胀球、内高压以及充液拉深过程中的莫尔圆变化进行了讨论。

    Based on the discussion , the changing of mohr circle of typical hydro plastic process , hydro-bulging , tube hydroforming and hydromechanical drawing was analyzed respectively .

  13. 其中惯性矩、惯性积的转轴公式以及主惯性轴和主惯性矩的计算尤为复杂,在教学过程中,是学生学习的难点内容之一.莫尔圆与轴转动惯量、惯性积

    Change of components of inertia tensors in rotation of coordinates and calculation of principal moment of inertia is particularly complicated . MOHR 'S CIRCLE AND AXIS MOMENTS OF INERTIA , INERTIAL PRODUCT

  14. 改造后的系统不仅使数据采集、处理过程全部自动化,且成功地完成了对实验数据后续处理;滞回圈等非规则曲线面积及莫尔圆公切线求解等一系列复杂计算。

    The system not only makes data processing and data sampling entirely automatic but also succeeds in a series of difficult problems , such as calculation of the area of hysteresis loop and other irregular cure , and common tangent of Mohrs circle .

  15. 然后,由莫尔应力圆理论和库伦准则得出了含弱面的煤柱所能承受的极限载荷;

    Then the limit support strength is deduced by Mohr ' stress circle theory and Coulomb Criterion ;

  16. 介绍了岩石三轴抗剪强度计算方法,利用计算机编程分析计算了岩石三轴抗剪强度参数,并绘出岩石莫尔应力圆及其包络线。

    Computing methods of rock block under triaxial stress are introduced , With computer programming intensive parameters of rock shearing strength under triaxial stress are analysed and calculated .

  17. 莫尔兰德面积矩圆

    Mohr land area moment circle

  18. 莫尔-库仑模式基于莫尔圆来判断最大和最小主应力平面上的破坏应力状态。

    The Mohr-Coulomb model is based on plotting Mohr 's circle for states of stress at failure in the plane of the maximum and minimum principal stresses .

  19. 此前需要对莫尔条纹图像进行预处理,提取出莫尔圆的特征参数。

    Before this process , moir é fringe image need to be pre-processed to get moir é circle characteristic parameters .