
  • 网络Moken
  1. 莫肯人一年中有8个月的时间在船上度过。

    The Moken spend eight months of the year on boats or stilt houses .

  2. 因此,他们能够轻易分别出水下的蛤和石块,获取食物。经过试验,莫肯人孩童的水下视力是欧洲孩童的两倍。

    Thus , they can easily distinguish between edible clams and ordinary rocks even when many meters below water.When tested , the Moken children had underwater vision twice as sharp as European children .

  3. 不过,这似乎是每个人都能够拥有的能力,只要我们改变环境,同样也会产生相应的变化。研究者们训练欧洲孩童向莫肯人孩童一样在水底不停地作业,最终成功地证明了这点。

    However , it seems that this is an adaptation that we might all possess if our environment demanded it , since researchers have trained European children to perform underwater tasks as successfully as the Moken .

  4. 这就使得当我们得知莫肯人能够在水下(甚至是22米深的水下)将事物看得一清二楚时感到吃惊不已。

    That knowledge makes it all the more surprising that a group of people , known as the Moken , have the ability to see clearly underwater , even at depths up to 22 meters ( 75 ft ) .