
  • 网络Lakewood;Lakewood, Colorado
  1. 克利夫兰:避开克利夫兰海茨、莱克伍德和欧几里得。

    Cleveland : Avoid Cleveland Heights , Lakewood and Euclid .

  2. 莱克伍德-斯普林斯就是表明这一问题的例子。

    Lakewood springs exemplifies the problem .

  3. 我是莱克伍德在回家的路上。

    I 'm the Black wood coming home .

  4. 尼尔森出生于韩国,在加利福尼亚州莱克伍德市长大,她的两个姐姐也是故事板美工,她在加州州立大学长滩分校学过插画。

    Born in South Korea and raised in Lakewood , Calif. , with two older sisters who are also storyboard artists , she studied illustration at California State University , Long Beach .

  5. 在从沃尔玛回家后,住在科罗拉多州莱克伍德市的卡罗斯一家人才意识到,他们购买的那盒桂格100%天然即食麦片已经超过20年了。

    After getting home from Walmart , the Carelses - of Lakewood , Colo. - realized that they had purchased a box of Quaker 100 % Natural Granola cereal that was more than two decades old .

  6. 除了窗户上的那一纸公告,这幢房子和普莱诺镇莱克伍德-斯普林斯开发区其它任何一栋中西部郊区住宅别无二样。普莱诺是距离芝加哥市中心以西约50英里的一个小城。

    Apart from the piece of paper in the window , the house looks like every other Midwest suburban home in the Lakewood Springs development in Plano , a small town about 50 miles west of downtown Chicago .