
  • 网络leicester;lester;Lestat;LESTE
  1. 你能告诉我去莱斯特广场的路吗?

    Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square ?

  2. 银制奖杯是由一个莱斯特的商人捐赠的。

    The silver trophy was donated by a Leicester businessman .

  3. 他拿下29分,帮助莱斯特郡队获得了一个不错的总成绩。

    His score of 29 had helped Leicestershire reach a presentable total

  4. 莱斯特被用担架抬进救护车时我就在旁边。

    I was close by as Lester was stretchered into the ambulance

  5. 霍夫曼博士是在莱斯特大学读的研究生。

    Dr Hoffman did his postgraduate work at Leicester University .

  6. “我们怎么会知道?”莱斯特突然大声说道。

    ' How do we know that ? ' rapped out Lester .

  7. 史蒂夫·布尔为狼队攻入了他的第200粒进球,他们以3比0击败了莱斯特队。

    Steve Bull notched his 200th goal for Wolves as they beat Leicester 3-0

  8. 我认为莱斯特队会晋级。

    I fancy Leicester to go up .

  9. 莱斯特笑她爱慕虚荣。

    Lester smiled at her vanity and love of show .

  10. “火烈鸟的腿上已经进化出非常坚韧粗糙的皮肤,这样它们就可以耐受盐水,”莱斯特大学的教授大卫·哈珀说道。

    " Flamingos have evolved very leathery skin on their legs so they can tolerate the salt water , " says David Harper , a professor at the University of Leicester .

  11. 威尔逊说,哈斯商学院莱斯特创业中心(LesterCenterforEntrepreneurship)对TubeMogul早期的发展功不可没。

    The Lester Center for Entrepreneurship at Haas was integral to their early progress , says Mr Wilson .

  12. 莱斯特大学研究人员表示,这副骸骨的DNA同理查三世一名姐妹的后代吻合,而且骸骨的脊柱弯曲,有战争留下的创伤,这都与历史记载吻合。

    DNA from the bones matched that of descendants of the king 's sister , while the skeleton had the twisted spine and battle injuries consistent with contemporary accounts , said researchers from the University of Leicester .

  13. 获得上赛季冠军的切尔西(Chelsea)刚刚和莱斯特城(LeicesterCity)踢了一场比赛。在仅仅几个月前,莱斯特城还是一只濒临降级的保级队,然而莱斯特城赢了这场比赛。

    Chelsea , the champions , had just played Leicester City , a team that had been relegation favourites just a few months before . Leicester won the game .

  14. 第一个是历史上不怎么成功的莱斯特城(LeicesterCity)和托特纳姆热刺(TottenhamHotspur)在上赛季令人意外的表现,它们分获英超冠军和季军。

    The first was the surprising performances of historically less-successful Leicester City and Tottenham Hotspur last season , who finished first and third in the league .

  15. 桑坦德银行曾在一个代号狐狸(Fox)的项目上投资2.3亿英镑,在英国中部的莱斯特兴建了一个巨大的数据中心。该数据中心主要用来存储该行自己的数据。

    Santander has invested # 163 ; 230m in building a vast data centre in Leicester , in the English Midlands dubbed project fox which is designed primarily to store its own data .

  16. 16岁那年,他搬到莱斯特一个充满暴力的社区,当时正值锐舞文化盛行一时,他在酒吧和俱乐部当保安和DJ。

    He moved out at 16 , to a rough neighborhood in Leicester , where he started working in bars and clubs as a bouncer and D.J. just as rave culture was exploding .

  17. 但其他时候,它们“几乎像是木星电离层里燃放的烟花,”领导哈勃研究的莱斯特大学科学家乔纳森·尼克尔斯(JonathanNichols)说。

    At other times , they are " almost like fireworks going off in the ionosphere of Jupiter , " said Jonathan Nichols , a University of Leicester scientist who is leading the Hubble study .

  18. 试验的负责人、莱斯特皇家医院的传染病顾问IainStephenson说,两份疫苗能提供更好的结果,但是一份疫苗就能起到保护作用。

    Trial leader Iain Stephenson , consultant in infectious diseases at Leicester Royal Infirmary , said two doses of the vaccine gave better results but a single dose was protective .

  19. 未参与上述任一研究的莱斯特大学(UniversityofLeicester)英国医学研究委员会毒理学部(MRCToxicologyUnit)肿瘤学家帕特里夏·马勒(PatriciaMuller)表示,这些研究结果非常吸引人,但她也指出,它们并没有明确阐释大象是如何利用p53来对抗癌症的。

    Patricia Muller , an oncologist at the MRC Toxicology Unit at the University of Leicester who was not involved in the studies , said the results , though compelling , didn 't firmly establish exactly how elephants use p53 to fight cancer .

  20. 因此,他在莱斯特(Leicester)的工厂签完合约后,我问他是否能去找他了解更多关于他和他的五人团队的事情,他们所有人都在家工作。

    So after he signed the deal at his Leicester factory , I asked if I could come and find out more about him and his five-strong team , all of whom work from home .

  21. 希金斯是一个电子游戏爱好者和全职父亲。他之前从事财务管理的工作,后来成为了军火情报专家,从位于英国莱斯特(Leicester)的家中追踪叙利亚战争。

    Mr Higgins , a video games enthusiast and stay-at-home dad , who had previously worked in finance ad & # 173 ; ministration , has become a munitions expert , tracking the Syrian war from his home in Leicester in the UK .

  22. 据自然杂志网站报道,人类世工作组(AWG)确定,人类对地球产生了如此深远的影响,这一说法是有理有据的。人类世工作组由英国莱斯特大学的简·扎拉塞维奇担任主席,共有34名成员。

    But the 34-member Anthropocene Working Group ( AWG ) chaired by Jan Zalasiewicz , of the University of Leicester in the UK , decided that humans are having such a profound impact on our planet that the term is a valid one , Nature.com reported .

  23. 英格兰莱斯特大学(UniversityofLeicester)的利·弗莱彻(LeighFletcher)在接受采访时表示,望远镜的远距离观察“将填补空白,让我们有一个总体的了解。我们将获得有史以来最好的木星观测数据。”

    The faraway observations by telescopes will " fill in the blanks to get the big-picture story , " Leigh Fletcher , of the University of Leicester in England , said in an interview . " We 'll have the best observational data set of Jupiter that we 've ever had . "

  24. 你们亲属的情况如何?他们住在莱斯特吗?

    What about your family ? Do they live in leicester ?

  25. 我们参观了莱斯特博物馆和艺术馆。

    We went to the Leicestershire Museum and Art Gallery first .

  26. 莱斯特:有人把他妈的龙须菜递给我吗?

    Lester : Will someone please pass me the fucking asparagus ?

  27. 莱斯特一从欧洲回来就着手工作。

    On his return form europe , Lester set to work .

  28. 莱斯特:你认为呢,我的傻伙计?

    Lestat : Where do you think , my idiot friend ?

  29. 莱斯特其实就有点像是灶神。

    Actually , Lester is kind of like the kitchen god .

  30. 安娜:莱斯特广场。是的,这里是莱斯特广场。

    Anna : Leicester Square . Yes , this is Leicester Square .