
wō sǔn
  • asparagus lettuce
莴笋[wō sǔn]
  1. 燃油铅与莴笋叶中的铅的联系紧密。

    The lead in petrol and the lead in asparagus lettuce leaf have good correlation .

  2. 高浓度铵离子对莴笋生长及其体内养分含量的影响

    Influence of high concentration of ammonium on the growth and nutrients content of asparagus lettuce

  3. 茶多酚和维生素C对莴笋酱菜中亚硝酸盐含量的影响

    Influence of tea polyphenols and ascorbic acid on nitrite content in prickled lettuce

  4. 液培条件下pH和镁锌硼对莴笋的营养效应研究

    Effects of pH and mg Zn and B on the nutrition in lettuce

  5. CaM在莴笋种子萌发中的作用

    Effect of CaM on Germination of Lettuce Seeds

  6. 采用盆栽试验研究了3种不同pH值菜园土施肥对莴笋硝酸盐含量及营养品质的影响。

    A pot experiment was conducted , in which lettuce was grown in vegetable soils with different pH values .

  7. 化学调控剂对土壤和莴笋中Hg,Cd,Pb含量的影响研究

    Effects of Adjust Control Agent on Hg , Cd , Pb Content in Soil and Asparagus

  8. HK+C2处理收获时莴笋生物量和产量的增加值分别为31%和12.3%,均为所有处理中最大;

    The lettuce biomass of HK + C2 treatment increased by 31 % and yield by 12.3 % in harvest time and was highest in all treatments .

  9. 在Zn为高浓度时,Zn抑制了莴笋对Cd的吸收,Cd促进了莴笋对Zn的吸收。

    Zn restrained the absorption of Cd by the lettuce , and Cd promoted the absorption of Cd by the lettuce , under the condition of high Zn level .

  10. 镍对莴笋的毒性是植物诱导性缺镁和叶片Ni/Mn值增大(>0.06~0.10)所致。

    The results obtained show that Ni phytotoxicity comes from the induced Mg deficiency and increased leaf Ni : Mn ratio ( > 0.06 ~ 0.10 ) of lettuce plant .

  11. N3P2K1、N3P1K2和N2P2K2处理对莴笋叶、茎的营养品质(Vc、还原糖和氨基酸含量)效应较好,其中N3P1K2处理对莴笋叶品质的综合效应最佳,N3P2K1处理莴笋茎品质的综合效应最佳。

    There was a better effect of nutrient combination on the nutrient quality of lettuce in N_3P_2K_1 , N_3P_1K_2 and N_2P_2K_2 , and the best , in N_3P_1K_2 and N_3P_2K_1 in leaf and stem , respectively .

  12. 盆栽试验氨基酸含量,莴笋叶GA和BR后期(8/12)提高186.00%和100.00%,茎提高6.38%和34.57%;

    When treated pot-planted lettuce with GA and BR , the amino acid content increased 186.00 % and 100.00 % in leaf and increased 6.38 % and 34.57 % in stem in anaphase .

  13. 石灰、膨润土按1∶10配施与污染黄壤上,可使莴笋生物量增产22.8%,同时降低其可食部分Pb含量分别达到20.0%~54.0%。

    Application of limestone and bentonite at a ratio of 1 ∶ 10 to a Pb-polluted yellow soil increased lettuce biomass by 22.8 % and decreased Pb content in the eatable parts by 20.0 % ~ 54.0 % .

  14. 莴笋叶、芹菜、菠菜等绿色蔬菜经K2CO3、NaOH和锌液护色后取汁;

    Lettuce leaves , celery , spinach are first immersed in K_2CO_3 , NaOH and Zn solution to keep color , and then they can be extracted .

  15. 通过盆栽试验,研究了2种植物性硝化抑制剂(P5,P7)对莴笋NO3&N和营养品质的影响。

    In a pot experiment , lettuce seedlings were treated with two plant-nitration inhibitors , P 5 and P 7 , at three rates each .

  16. 采用L8(27)正交设计研究了3种化学物质赤霉素(GA)、钼酸铵(Mo)、双氰胺(DCD)对盆栽莴笋产量、硝酸盐含量和营养品质的影响。

    The orthogonal design , L_8 ( 27 ), was adopted to study the effects of gibberellin ( GA ), ammonium molybdate ( Mo ) and dicyandiumide ( DCD ) on the yield , nitrate content and nutritive quality of lettuce .

  17. 结果表明,莴笋幼苗根系对NH4+N的亲和力稍大于NO3-N的亲和力;

    The results showed that the affinity of the roots of lettuce seedlings to ammonium nitrogen ( NH 4 + N ) was slightly higher than that to nitrate nitrogen ( NO 3 - N ) .

  18. 盆栽实验表明,在莴笋的生长前期喷施不同的钙肥,对莴笋的产量和品质具有提高作用,其中以05%Ca(NO3)2的效果最为明显。

    A pot experiment indicates that the promotion influences were found on the yield and quality by spraying different calcium fertilizers during the earlier stage , and that yield and quality were raised . The effect of 0.5 % Ca ( NO 3 ) 2 was significant .

  19. 与项目下其他母亲一样,Pulido按照培训班老师的建议,在后院的花园中栽种葱头、大豆和莴笋等供自家食用。

    Like other mothers in the program , Pulido followed a workshop instructor 's advice to plant a backyard garden , and grow onions , beans , cilantro , and lettuce for her family 's table .

  20. 结果:按1.0g/kg,3.0g/kg,10.0g/kg的莴笋提取物给大鼠灌胃,均能抑制APD、胶原和凝血酶诱导的大鼠血小板聚集,并能减少血栓形成的重量。

    RESULTS : Stomach of rats was perfused with 1.0 g / kg , 3.0 g / kg and 10.0 g / kg of asparagus lettuce extract , which could inhibit platelet aggregation induced by ADP , collagen and thrombin and reduce the weight of thrombosis in rats .

  21. 土壤肥力状况对莴笋光合特性及产量影响的研究

    Effect of soil fertility on Photosynthetic Characteristics and yield of lettuce

  22. 浸种时间对莴笋种子萌发的影响

    Effect of Soak Time on the Seed Germination in Asparagus Lettuce

  23. 莴笋不同品种产量形成特点的研究

    Studies of the characteristics of yield formation of Asparagus Lettuce Cultivars

  24. 莴笋叶绿素锌钠盐的制取及稳定性研究

    Preparation and Stability Studies of Sodium Zinc Chlorophyllide of Lettuce Leaves

  25. 莴笋不同部位抗氧化活性的研究

    Studies on the antioxidation activity of different parts of lettuces

  26. 加了莴笋和木耳的鱼香肉丝;

    ' fish fragrant'pork slices with steamed lettuce and cloud ear shreds ;

  27. 莴笋菌核病菌生物学特性研究

    Studies on the Biological Characteristics of Stem Rot of Lettuce

  28. 回归分析在莴笋无土栽培营养液配方中的应用

    The Application of Regression Analysis in Prescribing Nutrient Solution for Lettuce Hydroponics

  29. 酒糟型生物有机肥对莴笋产量与品质的影响

    Effects of wine lees bio-organic manure on yield and quality of lettuce

  30. 莴笋是我国南方较为广泛种植的叶菜类蔬菜,重庆地区种植面积也较大。

    Lettuce is the leafy vegetable widespread grown in the south China .