
jūn zhǒnɡ
  • strain;type of bacteria;bacterial seed
  1. 本课题为国家和云南省自然科学基金项目的一部分,主要内容包括①筛选出对SO2气体具有较强降解能力的优势菌种;

    To screen a type of bacteria which have the most strong degrading capability ;

  2. 黄曲霉群菌种产生黄曲霉毒素B1的调查研究

    Investigation on aflatoxin b_1 producing species of Aspergillus flavus group

  3. 结果扩增产物电泳分析发现不同菌种间产生的DNA带型存在明显差异。

    Result Distinct DNA band patterns were observed in different species .

  4. 复合酶(纤维素酶和果胶酶)产生菌cpu的菌种鉴定

    Identification of A Strain cpu of Aspergillus niger Producing Cellulolytic Enzyme and Pectase

  5. 低能N~+束诱变选育耐高温阿魏菇研究富硒金针菇菌种的诱变选育

    Studies on Mutation Breeding of Mushroom Pleurotus Ferulae with High Concentration of Temperature by Low-energy N ~ + Beam Implantation

  6. 该菌种所产的NK是一种胞外酶。

    NK produced by this strain was an extracellular enzyme .

  7. 用Nested聚合酶链反应(nestedPCR)法检测嗜肺军团菌种。

    The nested polymerase chain reaction ( Nested PCR ) was used to detect legionella pneumophila .

  8. 用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检查血清抗体鉴别布氏菌病感染菌种的研究(续报)

    Differentiation of Brucellosis Infected with Different Brucella Species by ELISA for Titration of Specific Antibodies in Sera ( continue )

  9. 利用UNICORNBAG培养香菇菌种试验

    Cultivation Experiment of Shiitake Strain Using UNICORN BAG

  10. HEVORF2重组菌菌种的稳定性及融合蛋白的应用

    Stability of Recombinant Bacterium HEV Partial ORF_2 and Application of Recombinant Protein

  11. 而HE及PAS染色只能从形态学上观察真菌形态,易漏诊、误诊,更不能鉴别真菌菌种。

    While HE and PAS staining can only observe fungus morphologically but not identify different fungus .

  12. 通过16srDNAPCR-SSCP分析方法对138株临床分离株进行分枝杆菌初步分子菌种鉴定;

    138 clinical isolates were identified their mycobacterial species with 16S rDNA gene by PCR-SSCP .

  13. 从环境污水中筛选出具有PCL降解能力的菌株,对菌种进行初步鉴定。

    The PCL degradation strain was isolated from the environment wastes . Identify the strain preliminary .

  14. 实验研究了以葡萄糖为外加碳源、由酵母膏提供氮源时不同的影响条件下紫色非硫光合细菌的混合菌种对染料活性艳红X-3B的脱色效果。

    The effect of purple nonsulfur photosynthetic bacteria on decolourization of reactive red X-3B under different conditions was studied with glucose as carbon source and yeast extract as nitrogen source .

  15. 实验结果表明,组成EM有效微生物的主要菌种是乳酸菌、光合细菌、酵母菌、乙酸菌。

    Result of this experiment indicates that the composition of effective microorganisms : lactobacillus , pHotosynthetic bacterium , microzyme and acetic acid bacterium .

  16. 目的使用液体培养基,建立一种分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium)菌种初步鉴定的非放射快速荧光检测法。

    Objective To set up a method of Rapid Fluorimetry for identification of group of Mycobacterium by using the liquid culture medium .

  17. 棉花VA菌根真菌优良菌种的筛选&Ⅰ.VA菌根真菌对棉苗生长的影响

    Selection of efficient VA mycorrhizal fungi from cotton belt & 1 . effect of VA mycorrhizal fungi on Cotton Growth

  18. 抗盐碱性试验表明:2菌种有一定的抗盐碱能力,但pH和盐的双胁迫作用显然对菌丝体生长影响显著,菌丝体干质量下降较为明显。

    The test also indicated that they had an ability of tolerance to salinity and alkalinity , but the mycelia dry mass dropped down evidently under a double stresses of pH and salt treatment .

  19. 结果表明,上述菌种无性态形态特征和酯酶同工酶谱带明显不同,生长的适宜温度与pH值范围也有差异。

    The results showed that their morphological characteristics and the electrophoretic properties of esterase isoenzymes were remarkably different , and the optimum temperature and pH value for growth were also different to a certain extent .

  20. 利用PCR-RFLP和RAPD方法对野生驯化蛹虫草及其退化菌种进行了基因水平的分析。

    PCR-RFLP and RAPD , were used to study the level of difference in gene of naturalized Cordyceps militaris and its degenerative strain .

  21. 以金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus)、枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillussubtilis)、大肠杆菌(escherichiacoli)为测试菌种,对初选的20株杜仲内生真菌进行活菌及代谢产物活性筛选。

    Antibacterial activity of 20 strains endophytic fungi and of their secondary metabolites was screened with Staphylococcus aureus , Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli as tested bateria .

  22. 在交配型等位基因的测定中,9个菌种测出12个A因子和12个B因子,交配型等位基因的重复频率为14.1%。

    12 factors A and 12 factors B were determined during the mating of 14 model mating types of PM . from 9 strains . The repetition frequency of alleles in mating types of these strains was about 14.1 % .

  23. 应用PCR-SSCP分枝杆菌初步菌种鉴定方法对31株分枝杆菌临床分离株进行初步的鉴定,9株为结核分枝杆菌复合群和22株为非结核分枝杆菌。

    Thirty-one mycobacterial clinical isolates were identified as 9 M.tuberculosis complex and 22 non - ~ tuberculous mycobacteria by PCR-SSCP .

  24. PCR-SSCP分支杆菌菌种初步鉴定方法的建立及其应用椰毒伯克霍尔德氏菌&新发现的固氮菌及其简易鉴定方法

    DIFFERENTIATION OF MYCOBACTERIAL SPECIES BY PCR-SSCP Newly Found Nitrogen-Fixing Bacterium , Burkholderia Cocovenenans and A Simple Method of Identifying it

  25. 重组蛋白质是指利用DNA重组技术生产的蛋白质,重组蛋白的菌种构建至发酵、纯化的工艺研究是重组蛋白研发和产业化的重要研究内容。

    Recombinant protein refers to the use of recombinant DNA techniques in the production of the protein , whose species construct to fermentation , purification technology research development and industrialization of the recombinant protein is the important research content .

  26. 方法将菌种分别接种于麦芽汁-琼脂培养基和0.5%蛋白胨-琼脂培养基平板上,18-20℃培养7d后,进行碳源同化试验、糖发酵试验及无性繁殖形态观察。

    Methods The colonial morphology and morphologic change were observed by asexual multiplication , carbon source assimilation and sugar fermentation test .

  27. 方法应用随机扩增多态性DNA技术对李斯特氏菌基因组DNA进行扩增,根据DNA指纹图谱分析单核细胞增生性李斯特氏菌种、株的遗传多样性,同时构建相似性系数矩阵和树状图。

    Methods Genomic DNA of species and strains from Listeria spp . was amplified by the technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA ( RAPD ), and its genetic polymorphism , proximity matrix and cluster dendrogram were made out according to the RAPD fingerprinting .

  28. 在连续流条件下以活性污泥代替纯菌种进行UV诱变,结果表明诱变作用效果显著且具应用潜力。

    UV induced mutation was conducted under the condition of continuous flow by using activated sludge in lieu of pure species . The result showed that the activated sludge after induced mutation has obvious effect and application potential .

  29. BactecMGIT960培养及分子菌种鉴定技术在脊柱结核诊断中的应用

    Application of BACTEC MGIT 960 system and molecular identification of mycobacteria in the diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis

  30. 主发酵温度为20℃,时间为5d,调整后总糖度为20%,菌种添加量为5%;

    The main barmy temperature is 20 ℃ and the time is 5 d. The total condition of sugar is 20 % after coordinating .